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it had taken two months for jeongguk to finally get used to coming home to a kitten.  the scottish fold would always skitter to the doorway when he heard the jingling of keys in the lock.  he'd meow and meow as jeongguk removed his coat and shoes until he'd pet him.  

the kitten and jeongguk had gotten along well in the past couple months.  they had bonded rather quickly.  the kitten would sleep in jeongguk's bed with him, and follow him around the house as well.  though, jeongguk didn't let him in the bathroom with him- having a kitten with huge, adorable eyes watching him relieve would not sit well with him.

it was when jeongguk had friends over, taehyung and jimin , that things began to go downhill.  taehyung was a golden retriever hybrid, and jimin was his owner.  as soon as the brunette sat down on the worn leather couch of the apartment, the kitten began to hiss at him.  

"gguk, i don't think your cat likes me." taehyung scooted up onto the couch, pulling his legs to his chest and his ears flattening against his head.

"joon!  you don't hiss at tae!  that's rude!" jeongguk quickly scooped his kitten, joon, and cradled him like a baby.

the scottish fold just narrowed his big eyes at taehyung, who shrank in his seat.  something didn't seem to sit right with taehyung as he watched the cat.

"maybe he doesn't like tae because he's a dog.  dogs and cats naturally don't get along, right?" jimin sighed as he looked at the occurrence in the living room.  though, the cat's behavior made him raise an eyebrow.

jeongguk tried to shrug as much as he could with a cat in his arms, "maybe he's just territorial.  hell, do i have to get him neutered?" he muttered.

taehyung's eyes widened as he began to whine.  his tail was beating against the leather couch as it thumped.  he was scratching against the couch's arm rest as well.

"ah, tae!  knock that off!  we aren't home,' jimin ran over and pulled taehyung into his arms.  "he most likely wants to go play.  i'll take you home.  see you tomorrow, gguk!"

jimin scurried from the apartment with a whimpering taehyung in his arms.  his chin was hooked over his owner's shoulder, his eyes glued to the not-so-clever cat in his friend's arms.


"alright, joon.  i have to run some errands, so will you be a good boy and behave while i'm gone?"  jeongguk asked his cat, knowing that he wouldn't answer.  

the said cat was sitting on the floor, licking his paw, the belled collar on his neck jingling as he did so.  

"i trust you, baby.  i'll see you in a few hours." jeongguk smiled as he slid on his sneakers and coat, and out the door he went, locking the door from the outside.

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