Chapter 13: He isn't Usually Late

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Mike's POV

I sat up, my head filling with pain.

"Fuck," I muttered, my head still spinning. I opened my eyes. The brightness in the room temporarily blinded me.

I stood slowly, dizziness overwhelming me. I stumbled to the door, "Mom!" I tried to yell, but my hoarse voice was barely audible.

Nancy opened her door and gasped when she saw me, "Holy shit Mike! You're so pale!" She put her palm on my forehead. Her eyes widened, "You're burning up. I'm going to help you back to bed then I'll get mom, okay?" She looked at me with worry in her eyes. I nodded.

She put her arms under mine and we waddled over to my bed. I collapsed on it and she pulled the blankets over top of me. She quickly sprinted from the room.

My eyes were blurry and my head pounded in my temples. I felt like I was falling and floating at the same time.

I heard the quiet sound of mutters coming from the doorway. My mom soon appeared above me and shoved a thermometer in my mouth.

After about a minute, my mom covered her mouth with her hand, "Oh my god." She removed the glass from my mouth and glanced at it again.

"What is it," I muttered.

"It's a 100 degree fever Mike. If it doesn't go down, we'll have to take you to the doctor."

I nodded, not completely understanding what she said. She stood and and left the room. Nancy peeked into the room again.

She knelt next to my bed, "Get some rest, okay?"

I smiled and drifted into a sweaty, restless sleep.

Will's POV

We all looked at Max.

"What? I'm just saying that Mike annoys me and he's not here."

Lucas looked around, "He hasn't skipped for so long. I don't know why he would this time."

Dustin chuckled, "Well he was with Eleven after school and maybe he stayed the night," he had his fingers in quotes and winked at us.

I shook my head, "Dude, Mike has integrity. He wouldn't do that. He may have just fallen asleep at Hop's. But not that."

Max rolled her eyes, "Guys chill. He's probably fine and it doesn't matter that much. You don't need him for one day."

Dustin spoke up, "Max, he's our friend and we care about him. I know that you and him hate each other-"


Dustin started again, "Just shut up Max! We don't care. We're just worried about him."

Lucas spoke up, "This isn't like him at all. He would've radioed if he wasn't going to be here."

Max's jaw tensed as Lucas defended Mike. She turned and started walking into history class, "Whatever."

El's POV

I sat up and yawned. A sweatshirt fell off of the bed. Frowning, I reached down and grabbed it.


Mike. This was Mike's sweatshirt. And he left it for me.

I smiled, putting the baggy sweatshirt on. I breathed in deeply. It smelled strongly of Mike. A very woodsy and adventurous smell. But also homey and comforting, like a warm night.

I looked at the clock.

[7:13 AM]

"Seven. One. Three," I read and smiled. I could sleep more.

I huddled up, putting my knees into Mike's sweatshirt. And I drifted into a deep sleep, with Mikey on my mind.

3 Hours Later

Mike's POV

I woke up, sweaty and delirious. Tears streamed out of my eyes, the pain overcoming me. My chest hurt and I could barely breathe.

"Mom..." I managed to heave out.

I heard the heavy sound of footsteps up the stairs, and I felt a hand touch my forehead gently.

The glass tube thermometer was stuck in my mouth again and another gasp was heard.

3rd Person

"Ted! TED!"

Ted ran into the room, "Karen what's wrong?"

"Mike. He has a 104 fever. We need to take him to the hospital. Oh my god, I thought his temperature would go down." She collapsed in his arms and sobbed.

"It's okay. We'll take him in, I'm sure he's fine," he comforted her.

They lifted Mike out of his bed and carried him to the car.

Karen put her hand on her temples, "Oh my god."

El's POV

My eyes blinked open. I inhaled. I looked down at the sweatshirt that I was curled up in. I smiled, remembering.

"Maybe I should visit him," I said, hopping off of the bed and grabbing the black cloth from my dresser.

I sat back down as I tied the cloth around my head, covering my eyes.

Blackness surrounded me and an image appeared.

Mike walked around the room. Why was he stumbling? Nancy came in and tucked him in bed. Wait. Why is his mom here now?

I listened to them talk and I heard a few words like "hospital" and "fever".  I untied the cloth and set it next to me. I frowned.

Something overcame me. A feeling. A terrible feeling.

There was something wrong. And I needed to find him.


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