A Little Talk, Jake

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A/n AAAAAAAY this chapter will be sad, just a heads up :,((

As Lana closed the door, she immediately thought of Jake.

She went down the stairs and went to Albert's set up that was close to the back door.

She sat down and turned on the computer, when she open it. The background was Obama and Sonic kissing.

Lana stared at, and look at the tabs on the bottom. There was an 10 hour video of 'Gary Come Home.' (A/n that's what it's called right?)

She shake her head slightly and ask him about it later, she opened up tweeter and logged in.

She tweeted out: "Hey @Jayingee text me when ever you can."

Once she sent it out, she waited for him to reply. Soon after everyone spammed her tweet, Jake replied.

'Sure just message me' that was all Jake had said.

Lana went into Jakes inbox and started typing: 'Can we do a VC? Its kind of hard to explain in text."

Jake was actually kind of nervous, but agreed and started preparing for the worst.

Once they answered the Video Call, Lana started speaking.

"Jake, I'm worried about Albert."

Jake looked at her face on the screen, he could tell she was being serious.

He swallowed hard. (A/n as in he was nervous ya perves)

"Whats wrong with him?" He said with a concern voice.

Lana told Jake about the whole pole talking, and that Albert has a dump on his head and it's making him act weird.

Jake didn't know what to say, he could feel the tears forming. He hung up before Lana could say anything else.

Jake signed out and closed his laptop. He leaned forward and before he knew it, he was crying.

"M- my best friend is in love wi- with a pole." Jake sobbed out, he put his hands on his face and sobbed into them.

He flopped onto the floor and curled up into a ball. He is now a soggy cinnamon roll... Ew..

Lana signed out of Albert computer, and turn it off.

Lana turned her head up to the ceiling, she could hear him talking in his sleep.

"P- pole... I'm... Wait..." That was all she could hear, she decided to go to bed.

She started walking up the stairs and is in front of the their bedroom door.

She could sense that something was wrong, she placed her hand on the door and slowly opened it.

Suddenly a huge gush of cold air pouring out making Luna shiver.

She opened it and looked at the bed.
It was empty.

Lana flipped on the lights and it was confirmed, she looked at the window and ran over there. It was indeed open.

"Did he seriously made a rope out of the bed sheets?!" Lana yelled that probably woke up the neighbors.

She looked down at the road to see a guy wearing a white shirt and is only wearing underwear.

... Of course, it was Albert.

"He has to be kidding." She said as she ran downstairs to get her car keys.

A/n so wattpad doesn't like me and thought it'll be cool to delete this chapter, making me rewrite the whole thing. But hey! Its out now! :D

Also I'm sorry I missed spelled anything or it had some weird English. I speak it but I can't spell it XD

BTW how are you enjoying this story so far?

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