5 months later.

14 0 0

Today's the day Jay gets released.

The doctor walked in with release forms "all you need to do is sign out and your good to go"

"Ah alright thanks for taking care of me doc" 

"No problem oh and one question where are you planning on going to stay?"

"w-well i don't really have a place to st-" i cut Jay off

"With me he'll stay with me.." Jay looked at me stunned as i blushed while saying this

the doctor nodded "alright its good to know" the doctor walked out

"Z-zak..you don't have to."

"Yea i do..i can't have you living on the streets and..it's the least i can do for all the pain I've caused you.."

Jay signed the forms and handed them to the nurse as i helped him out the the uber i called i opened the door for jay and i helped him in to the car as i get in in and tell the uber drive where to go as we arrive at my house i pay the uber driver and help jay to my room

"here lay down here's the remote for the tv ima go lay on the couch." i start to walk away but he grabs me again and pulls me in to the bed

"Whoa!"i gulp as our faces meet "i-i forgot your that strong..

"i'm guessing you also forgot i can't sleep alone"

my heart thump even faster "o-oh right..."

i wrap my arms around him as i blush as he wraps his around mine as i lay my head on his chest as we slowly doze off.

I wake up to Jay rubbing my back watching tv

"well morning sleepy head"

i smile and nod "morning" as i sit up and stretch then it hit me i just fell asleep with my childhood crush.. i begin to blush

"You ok Zak"

i nod "ya why wouldn't i"

"hmm i don't know other than your blushing"

I bury my face into the pillow as he begins to laugh a bit as he lifts my head up as he stares into my eyes

"You still like me don't you Zak" 

I blush a bright red and nod "y-y-yea..."

Jay smiles as he hugs me and whispers in my ear "i've always liked you even when you turned your back on me i still liked you"

Jay takes his hand and he put it under my jaw as he brings my face to his and he pulls me in as our lips meet,as we kiss my mind goes blank i close my eyes going off of instinct i wrap my arms around his neck he breaks the kiss as i open my eyes his eye color as change from brown to gold.

"uh j-j-jay why are your eyes gold.."

he kinda freaked out "i-i uh.." he covered his face.

"j-jay..are you ok.."

he didn't answer.

"o-oh urm okay.."

i got up and walked down stairs replaying the moment in my mind as i started to cook breakfast.I make mine and jays plate up and I walk up the stairs...the door is shut so i knock

"Jay is everything alright?"

"N-not grr..not right now.. go away p-please"

..."oh...ok ill just leave your food on the table out here..."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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