3 Months later

22 1 0

At 2 a.m I was awoken by a phone call..I'll never forget it. Jay got hit by a car and was in the hospital the police found a picture of us when we were kids and they called the number on the back of the picture...my number...my heart shattered..we were enemies but he never gave up. He never forgot. I hung up the phone and rushed to the hospital..as I was running I kept telling myself I was stupid for doing this what would my friends say about me...my heart didn't care it keep telling me to go see if he's ok...but then again I knew he didn't wanna see me for what I did.

I walk into to hospital and I ask for the room number another thing I can't forget room 16...16 that age where we first kissed... UGH how could I forget my first kiss...how could I turn my back on the person who gave me the first kiss....

I walk to the door and I hear Jay talking to the doctor my heart thumped so fast hearing him talk.

As the doctor walked out, I walked in...the first thing he said was

"Why are you hear..Huh? to beat me again!"

My heart dropped..My head hung low.

"n-no jay...i came to see if you're ok."

"Why do you care! I lost all feelings when you turned your back on me!"

"I know...and I'm truly sorry-" he cut me off

"Don't say something you don't mean."

"But I truly am Jay I wouldn't have been here if I listened to my mind."

"What the hell do you mean!?"

"I mean! I..I followed my heart."

"...Don't start with this petty bullshit.damn your even dressing and acting let a prep just grr just leave me alone."

"J-Jay please hear me out.."


he seemed different when he yelled his voice got deep almost a growl in a way..

"o-ok ill leave."

I walked out the the waiting room and sat down as tears rolled down my face..why? Why did I have to turn my back on him? Why did i need to hurt him? He's this way cause of me.

I never even left to go home I waited and waited hoping the doctor would come out saying Jay wanted to talk he never did so I fell asleep in the waiting room.

I was woken up by one of the doctors at 9am. Jay requested to see me..my heart dropped again I gulped as I got up and walked to the room.

"y-you wanted to talk.."

"just sit down..."

I took a seat in the chair next to the bed.

"w-what is it jay?"

"you're truly sorry aren't you"

"....y-yea how did you know I wasn't lying"

"You wouldn't be here you have never missed school..."

"Oh shit i forgot it's Thursday....."

"Just stay with me please."

I looked at him to find him blushing my heart thumped as I began to blush too.

"I-I'm-but gotta go to school.." I went to stand up but Jay grabbed my arm 

"P-please just please stay with me Zak...."

"You really want me to stay...after everything i did to you jay..."

"That's in the past I can't stay mad at you forever."

I gulped as I sat back down his hand still grabbing my arm. 

"Uh Jay you can let go now I'm not leaving."

His cheeks blushed an even brighter red. "s-sorry" he let go.

"It's ok.." I stared at him "S-so how long are you here Jay?"

"I don't know to be honest..my leg needs to heal before I leave but I also don't have a place to stay.."

"What do you mean I thought you lived with your sister.."

"she kicked me out because I was interrupting her and her boyfriend somehow.."

"wow.." I was about to say something else but the doctor walked in

"So how you feeling?"

"A little better"

"Well that's good once your legs healed a bit we are going to put you in Physical Therapy for a while to get that leg back in full use"

"Wait uh doc"


"How long will it uh take for this to heal.."

"Well from the X-rays it's a clean break so 2 months maybe even 5"

As the doctor walked out I look back over at Jay his hands over his face

"Y-you ok Jay?"

"Yes..and no. No because im in this bed for 2-5 damn months but yes cause...you're here"

My heart dropped as he said this I could tell my face is red I look down as he tried to make eye contact with me

"what's wrong Zak" he grinned as he said this "did you really think I would forget how to tease you"

"N-not really.."

Jay sat up "Hmm stand up"

I stood up as he grab my arm and pulled me down so our faces met. He stared into my eyes for a bit 

"Heh still as blue as ever" We hugged for a bit 

"Hey Zak" 

"Hmm?" Jay turned my head and kissed my neck my body stiffened 

"Thats pay back for everything you did" I can't believe it. He kissed my turn on spot I was speechless as I sat down I looked at him my face red. He smiled 

"Paybacks a bitch isn't it Zak" he laughed a bit

I nodded as I stared at him as I thought to myself (how could he forgive me this fast..)

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