Mafumafu x Reader 3

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Chapter Three


A/N Hai minnasan!!! I'm Miki desu!! This is the third chapter of Mafumafu x Reader, I hope you enjoy it. Please vote!!


You saw Haru stomping home, frustrated. He lived only a few houses away from you.


Lying on his bed, Haru thought to himself.

'Why? Why is it that she...she...I just can't believe that she is with someone else! Why?' He curled up, glaring at innocent pieces of furniture.

Haru had arrived at the airport at 10pm and immediately messaged you that he had arrived. However, you had thought that he was due to arrive at 10am on the day where you were supposed to pick him up.

When he did not arrive, you left with the stranger and brought him to your home. By the time Haru messaged you, you were already at home with the stranger, laughing and talking with him and thus did not see his message.

--- At Your House ---

"Ahahahaha!! No way right?" You giggled. The stranger had seen the 'DO NOT TOUCH, DANGEROUS' sign your pet cat's clothing, yet he still poked it lightly, resulting in him getting clawed by your cat.

Both of you fell on the floor laughing hard, when you suddenly sat upright and asked, "What is your name?" He looked at you quizzically. You suddenly remembered that he could not understand what you were saying as he could hardly speak and/or understand English, so you said "Anata no namae... Sorehanandesuka?" ("あなたの名前。。。それは何ですか?" / "Your name... What is it?")

Finally understanding what you had said, the stranger nodded. He then said (replied) "Watashinonamaeha aru......" ("私の名前はある" / "My name is......" )

"Mafumafu" ("まふまふ "/ "Mafumafu")

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