Mafumafu x Reader 7

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Chapter 7



I'm.... Sleepy... Desu...... //yawns// School.... Work... Miki is sorry wwww she has been too busy.... But holidays are coming in about two weeks! For a week! Miki is super inspired thanks to all of your touching comments, follows and votes ;x; she will write more with Hiro-kun! Definitely!!! Hiro-kun will write more! He said he would update Soraru x Reader too hehe

We are going to publish another oneshot too... Can you guess which utaite we are featuring this time? Ehehehe... E-EH DON'T FALL ASLEEP, MIKI!!! //falls asleep//
~Admin Miki

Gross. Disgusting. Don't yawn with your mouth opened so wide. That's rude too.
~Admin Hiro

~Admin Miki


Seeing the serene look on his face, you laid down next to him and also fell asleep, all the while gazing at his face, peaceful and at ease.

---At your home, the next morning---

Despite only having met Mafumafu a week ago, you were already feeling the feeling of attachment and love for him. It felt... Nice.

Then you thought about Haru. He was your childhood friend who you also loved, but never saw in the kind of way one would look at their lover. You just didn't like him that way.

You woke up earlier than Mafumafu and went out of the room to make breakfast in the kitchen. He woke up some time later and came to find you, his hair ruffled (he had a bedhead www it was so cute! ~Admin Miki) and clothes all crinkled. Rubbing his eye with his hand, he opened his mouth and said one clear, distinct word, 'food.'

You laughed loudly, and seeing that he was hungry as he asked for food, quickly whipped up some pancakes and coffee for him. You joined him at the dining table after you made your share of food.

He beamed at you, and you thought: such a pure, beautiful person.... Indeed, he is the embodiment of perfection in this world. You signed in bliss inwardly, and two faint spots of red appeared on your cheeks.

---Mafumafu's POV---

He woke up and ran his hand through his hair. Seeing himself in the mirror, he softly said, 'Messy.' However, he thought about how you might give him more food if you went out oath that appearance, and decided not to tidy up.

True enough, when he asked for food, you have him a large helping of pancakes and coffee. Hungrily, you are everything down quickly, and smiled happily at you.

When he saw you blush faintly, his heart was beating loudly in his chest, and he felt that his heart was about to burst in ecstasy. This was, however, a new feeling to him, and he did not know why he was feeling so happy and excited when he made a girl blush.

---Haru's POV---

Meanwhile, Haru's parents had grounded him because he went out too late at night...and stayed even later.... So he could not go to visit you. He was pissed that you were alone with that... Mafumafu guy, and swore that he would somehow prove that Mafumafu wasn't as nice a person he seemed to be, and ruin your current friendship with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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