Part Forty Seven - "I'm scared"

Start from the beginning

Stepping out of the cubicle, he dried himself as he made for the bedroom and a pair of basketball shorts. Then he raided the mini bar for some fluids. He'd drunk some water earlier, but it wasn't just phone calls and texts he had trouble squeezing in.

After guzzling a bottle of water, he reached for his phone, then collapsed onto the sofa in the lounge. Just at the moment Julia answered the call with a breathy, "hi." That drove all the blood from his brain, and the rest of his body, to his groin. Fuck.

"How you doing?" He was amazed that his voice was so steady.

She hummed before replying, "OK. I guess. Been busy."

"You feeling better after seeing the doc tonight?" She'd text him from the reception prior to her appointment with Anna Vasquez.

"Think so, she makes me look at things..."

There was far more to it than just that, but this wasn't the place or time to push her on every level.

"That's good. I'm glad." He closed his eyes, "so, my gift..." If it was possible to hear a blush he did, "you're embarrassed..."

It was a long moment before she replied, "it's just different, I don't know what I think about it."

That was more like he anticipated, "I get that. But that's because you never wanted pleasure, Jules, you get that?"

"Anna was trying to make me see that today, that I have to break up my mental boxes."

"I like that analogy...and you can start that when you open the actual boxes too."

That was met with even more silence.

"We are doing this, Julia. Tonight, because I need it. The last three days, all I've been thinking about is how beautiful you are, how your mouth falls open when you moan in pleasure, how your neck and chest flush pink..." he knew that seduction was mental not physical, and he only hoped that he could make her feel as desperate as he was.

"Aaron," she gasped.

That made him smile, "what? It's the truth. Watching you come, watching you explode...I am desperate to see it again, and again."

The sound that echoed down the phone was more squeak than moan, and it warmed him to his toes. "You make me harder than I have ever you know that? Do you know how many times I've replayed that shower in my mind? The feel of your hand on me, your hard nipples pressed against my wet skin. Do you know how many times I've re-enacted it?"

Deep, ragged breaths, that was all that he could hear through the handset.

"Put me on speaker phone, put the handset on the pillow next to you, then listen to me, talk to me."

He'd not been one for phone sex, after all he hadn't really entertained a relationship in the past. He had sex when or if someone willing was available, but this occurrence, this was greater than any moment he'd ever experienced.

He dropped his hand to the iron hard erection that was straining his shorts, he had to shelve his own need. She came first...literally.

Julia was glad that the room was in darkness, and she'd locked the dogs out of the room. She'd known when she did it that she was going to go through with things, what ever he suggested, but she had tried to convince herself that she wouldn't even answer the phone.

Now here she was, squirming...literally writhing at just a few words.

Her phone was on speaker, next to her head, her hands by her side, gripping the sheet firmly.

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