chapter 3: I kissed a boy and I didn't like it

Start from the beginning

“You know, this is part of the problem,” Finn said. “You're stereotyping gay people. Just because Puck likes sports and drinks beer, doesn't mean he can't be gay.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Kitty said with a dismissive wave of her hand. “I know that. But you only have a couple of days to convince a bunch of strangers that you're a gay couple and get their reactions. Conforming to stereotype is the best way to convince them.”

Puck snorted. “Two guys show up at a hotel together and say they're a couple, I don't think anybody's going to need much convincing.”

Finn nodded in agreement.

“Not the point,” Kitty said. “The point of the article is to experience what it's like to gay, and to see how people react. You can't just say you're gay and then act completely normal. So, you're going to have to do some convincing.”

Puck sighed heavily which Kitty took to mean that he accepted her point. She clapped her hands together. “Ok, so while you're in Boston, you need to ask WWFD.”

“What what...?”

“What would Finn do,” Kitty answered. “Just follow his lead and you shouldn't have any problems.”

“Hey,” Finn protested.

Realising that trying to pygmalion Puck was a job too big for her, Kitty decided to move on. “I have an idea, hand me your phones."

They handed their phones over to her. She picked up Puck's and turned the camera on. 

“Now, I want you to cuddle together, like a couple.”

“Neither guy moved.”

“Come on,” Kitty groaned. “Just put your arms around each other and look like a couple. It's not that hard.”

Finn sighed, but he put his arm around Puck and pressed closer together. Very grudgingly, Puck moved closer.

“Put your hand on his knee,” Kitty said to Puck. “Cheeks together. Now, smile.”

Puck moulded his lips into the shape of a smile, but it looked more like a grimace. Finn curled the corner of his mouth.

“Smile,” Kitty said again.

They tried again. And failed once more.

Kitty groaned. “Seriously guys, I’m not going to let this drop until you fucking do it. So just fucking smile.”

This time they made more of an effort. It wasn't great, but it was enough to satisfy Kitty. She snapped a couple and then set the best one as the wallpaper on Puck's phone. Then she put it down and picked up Finn's. She looked around the apartment and her eyes lighted on a poster of a Hawaiian beach.

“Shirts off, boys,” Kitty said before she skipped into her bedroom and came back with two pairs of sunglasses.

Finn and Puck were still sitting on the couch, shirts very much on.

“Take off your shirts or I’m putting the picture of the two of you cuddling on Facebook,” she threatened. Still neither of them moved. She stamped her foot in frustration. “Ok, fine, if you don't want my help, then fine. Just go.”

“Sorry,” Finn sighed. He stood up and started unbuttoning his shirt.

With a long-suffering sigh, Puck followed suit. 

Kitty whistled at them. “Nice. Alright, I need you stand up against that poster. Arms around each other.” She handed them the glasses. “And for fuck's sake, smile.”

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