Chapter One: The 100th selection

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The day was cold and lonely as Trixie Trevors started the short walk from her home in Hartford to her school, her blonde hair tied up in a bun. She was fiddling with her upcycled overalls and the charms she made with her best friend, Destiny Ramirez, as she walked due to because a stressful test had been assigned in her hardest class; Chemistry. It was a pretty fall morning, the leaves were falling and the sun was riding with its golden beauty. 

 " don't see days like this anymore..." She said as a light breeze blew from behind. It was a nice cool breeze, a good feeling of the outside before Trixie walked into her highschool; Bridgewood Central Charter School. It was a prestigious school, made for academic success and nothing less. Near the art display, Destiny was waiting, drawing away in her sketchbook. Destiny's dark brown wavy hair was in two braids, as always, and her bangs were covering up her really pretty brown eyes. Trixie sat right by Destiny and rested her head against Destiny's shoulder 

 "What'cha drawing, Des?" Trixie asked as she saw Destiny get all flustered before she laughed and smiled brightly. " Oh hey Trix! Didn't see ya there. And as ya can see, it's supposed to be a Wendigo. It's for class" Destiny replied back. It wasn't usually that Destiny was like this; often Destiny would be hiding in her locker, away from the jerks and douches that call her a hideous mixture between African-American and Hispanic, due to the fact her father was Hispanic and her mother was African-American. Those stupid jerks were wrong however; Destiny was actually quite beautiful. 

After a few hours, lunch time had hit and nearly everyone was in the cafeteria. Trixie and Destiny were eating at Destiny's locker when they heard some gossip laying around. 

 "So Zuks, you ever heard of Bridgewood Cave? It's right in the middle of the refuge, and I hear it's a great place to find amethyst. I know you and mo-" the male's voice was cut off as the two people talking came into view. "Ezra will you please keep it down?! I'm going there tonight with Sam and Eliza, and you're grounded so you can't go. I already knew about you dumbass, who do you think told your gaming anti social ass about it?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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