goody two-shoes

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    Eventually nighttime came around and Frank had fallen asleep. Gerard laid on the surprisingly comfortable hospital bed. He didn't know what time it was but it was probably really late. Nurses had been checking in and out, to make sure both of them were okay and at times having to wrap Frank in blankets after he unconsciously threw them off. Gerard just pretended to sleep each time.

    He wondered if Bert and Jamia would come to visit. Hopefully the accident wouldn't come in the way of their friendship. Despite what people might think, they weren't bad friends. They just weren't that smart and thought that climbing a billboard would be cool. It wasn't cool.

   He just hoped that they would visit. That's all. Gerard then heard a small noise. He quickly shifted his eyes around the hospital room, he couldn't really move considering it would result in pain. Frank appeared in his sight.

    Gerard quickly closed his eyes. Pretending to sleep. Even releasing a few false snores. He felt Frank gently poke his cheek. Gerard grunted and felt like biting his finger off.

    "Wake up... I know you're awake!" Frank spoke rather loudly. Gerard fluttered his eyes open and furrowed his eyebrows. Looking at Frank angrily.

    "W-what do you even want?" He snapped. His throat hurting. Frank made a fake offended face and placed his hand over his heart.

    "Rude much!" Frank scoffed. "If I was your mom I'd slap the side of your head with that attitude!"

    Gerard rolled his eyes. "Whatever... you're being annoying!"

    "Ouch! You hurt my feelings! Now I'm gonna cry myself to sleep, boohoo!" Frank said coldly and sarcastically. "Do you know how long it took me to stand up? I have to carry this damn IV stand. I run out of breath so easily, its insane!"

    Gerard rolled his eyes once more. "Yeah, sure you do! The amount you talk proves otherwise!" His hoarse voice replied. "Werent you just asleep like 5 m-minutes ago? Why can't you let me sleep?"

    "Key word, was asleep. I'm bored.." he crossed his arms and sat down on the edge of Gerards bed. Breathing a little harder than before. He gripped the IV stand tightly.

    "So... you disturb my peace because you're... bored? And you sit on my bed? Get off, I dont want your bacteria."

    "I think I'm comfortable like this." Frank smirked and gave himself a point. He loved annoying Gerard.

    "If my whole body wasn't bruised and my leg wasn't partially broken and if I wasnt against violence! I'd push you off this bed so hard..."

    Frank chuckled. "Wow, look at you! Climbing billboards because your no good friends tell you to do so and you're against violence! You're the definition of a goody two-shoes."

    Gerard frowned. "What's so wrong with being against violence?" He asked seriously. "And I am not a goody two-shoes!"

    Frank shrugged. "I mean, nothing's wrong with it. I've just been in far too many fights to count! I've never been one to throw the first punch though!"

    "You probably provoked them..."

    "Probably! I'm not saying its wrong to be against violence! Good for you. But what do you do if someone wants to fight you?" Frank asked him.

    Gerard thought about it for a second. "I'd try to walk away or let them know I'm not interested in fighting."

    Frank scoffed. "Goody two-shoes! But do whatever you wish, I suppose."

    "Whatever! Can you get off my bed now? You being close to me makes my pain worse."

    "Fine! Fine. I'll leave you in peace. I think I'll just go back to sleep..." Frank said and released a yawn. He looked over at Gerard once more and winked. "Goodnight.... ya goody two-shoes.."

    Gerard felt a blush creep on his face. A small smile appeared on his lips. He mumbled back a goodnight and closed his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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