Chapter Two

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Chapter two, yay! This one's definitely longer than the last. I hope you enjoy it.

Happy reading, snowflakes <3

The summer before her first year at Hogwarts, the summer Blaise and Draco came back after almost a whole year away, was one of Elara's favourites. She spent every day doing something worthwhile.

Two weeks before September, she was round at Draco's house. They were just hanging out, laughing about something Draco was retelling from his time at Hogwarts. It sounded great. Elara couldn't wait to go there herself.

Elara sat up as her laughter died down, looking to see Draco staring at her. His icy grey eyes gleamed and his mouth – was he smiling? Elara chuckled; that was a rare sighting.

"What's got you so happy?" Elara questioned, leaning forward and poking Draco's cheek, by the corner of his mouth.

Draco shook his head, clearing his mind, "Huh? Oh, uh, nothing."

Elara just raised her eyebrows. She'd known Draco long enough to be able to tell when he was hiding something from her, but she left it, not wanting to push him.

"I was just thinking," Draco started, "It's stupid, really, but would you like to come school supply shopping with me? And my parents, obviously."

Elara paused, "You sure you were supposed to ask me? Not Blaise?"

Draco shook his head, "No, I wanted to ask you. I want to spend more time with you, like today. I like it. I like you." His words brought pink to her cheeks and she had to break eye contact before replying.

"I'd love to!" she finally said, smiling brightly.

"Great," Draco sighed with relief, "Tomorrow?"

Elara nodded in agreement, anticipating growing in her stomach as she thought about the following day.

By tomorrow, Elara's nerves hadn't faded. As her, Draco and Mr. Malfoy arrived in Diagon Alley (Mrs. Malfoy had decided not to come) there was an overwhelming feeling in the pit of her stomach that filled her with excitement.

She and Draco gathered the necessary items that they each needed for the upcoming school year – it was going to be Draco's 2nd year. It was fun, laughing and talking together as they hurtled through shop after shop. Mr. Malfoy watched the two with a small smile, the most he could conjure up.

Elara enjoyed herself immensely, eyes scanning her surrounding in a child-like wonder. She had been here last year, of course, whilst Blaise bought his supplies but this time it was different. This time it was for her.

Last stop was the bookstore. Draco dragged Elara through the crowd of young witches and wizards in the search of the book he needed whilst Mr. Malfoy took care of some business he had. Elara giggled as Draco almost tripped over a pile of books that had been left on the floor, receiving a glare from Draco when he turned around at the sound.

"Ah, got it!" Draco cheered, reaching up to pull the needed book off of a shelf nearby. He added it to the pile in his arms.

Just as he and Elara were turning to leave, they spotted three young students. One looked particularly familiar to Elara, with his raven hair and big, round glasses.

Draco must have recognised them, they were probably in his year, because he sneered in their direction. "Oi, Weasley! Come to do a bit of shopping? I'm surprised you can even afford half the books on our list." Draco taunted with a twisted grin.

"Shut up, Malfoy." the red-headed boy, Weasley, growled, is face turning red.

The name Weasley rang a bell in Elara's head and she suddenly realised who the three were: Ronald Weasley (or the 'stupid, red-headed blood traitor' as Draco had earlier described him as), Hermione Granger (the 'know-it-all mudblood', an insult that Elara hated) and Harry Potter (the 'Boy Who Lived'). Elara proudly stepped to Draco's side, confronting the three. Although she didn't know them personally, she already didn't like them because Draco hated them. Her brother wasn't keen on them either.

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