First Kiss

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Hope you enjoy.. 😉

11:00 AM.

You were laying in bed, wanting sleep to over take you but a feeling, was blocking it. You felt scared.
Violet, Sunny, and Klaus, all asleep dreaming horrible dreams, or probably good dreams who knows.
You sat up, your attention leading to the 12 year old curly head with your cheeks flashing a bright red color in the dark.
You slowly stood up and walked up to him looking at his medium sized figure. You pulled your arm up and slightly touched his shoulder tapping it a few times.

Klaus slowly opened his eyes and turned around, sitting up he looked at you "yea?" He said as he slowly sat up.
"I can't sleep Klaus..." you said as silence filled the room "why"he asked totally regretting the small question. Your eyes started tearing up, but he didn't see it he heard the sob you let out. "I'm scared Klaus, I'm scared you're gonna get hurt, I'm scared Violet and Sunny is gonna get hurt, I scared to my mind" the tears were pouring down your face now, he sadly sighed and grabbed your wrist pulling you close.

The light of the moon made it more clear to see now, he put his hand on your cheek and wiped the tears, "Hey y/n it's gonna be okay" he kissed your cheek taking a tear away, then again he kissed your other cheek, taking a tear, you laughed slightly and looked at him "what are you doing" he smiled a bit at you "I'm wiping your tears away" he looked you in your e/c eyes.
"Well.." you started off he furrowed his eyebrows "well...what" "you forgot a spot" he smiled a little bit.
Klaus felt his face heat up.

You leaned in, as he caught the drift he leaned in too.
You felt his cold but smooth lips on yours, and to be honest it wasn't horrible for your first kiss.
You let go and looked him in his brown pearls, you placed your forehead on his. "Like I said, we're gonna be ok, as long as we all stick together" you nodded and turned to look at a still sleeping Violet and Sunny.

You looked back at him "that was my first kiss" you said. He smiled "and you're my first."

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