The reasons why I'm going to kill him

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I have to tell you the whole story so you can understand this

I'm not one of the popular girl and I never was
But I always have one or two friends in the class
From the ninth, however, my image sank rapidly
But that's not the problem, the problem is that I started to look for new friends so far so good
but then I met him, he was nice polite and witty
but just for show because he just wanted the one me who was considered an immaculate virgin
When I dumped him  he began threatening that he would ruin my reputation
- as if that would be possible -
I begged him I did not want to lose him as a friend
but he stayed cold and punished me with ignorance
and the biggest mistake he made was to rejoice in my suffering
because from that point I vowed to avenge myself

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