In Between Thorns and Roses

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The gardens looked beautiful this time of the year; flowers blooming in all colors, sweets smells that tickle your nose, and the sounds of nature all around. Definitely a sight to be enjoy fully.

“Sara, honey, why don’t you come inside is late already,” I hear Ms. Trent calling from the door. I stand from the position I’ve been sitting for the past 2 hours, my muscles a bit sore from not moving.

“Come on Sara is almost time for dinner, you should go upstairs and get cleaned, and you know the rules”

“Yes Ms. Trent I know the rules perfectly fine, and you know I always follow them”

“Sara…” she says with a warning on her voice, not liking when I back talk to her, in fact no one likes it… and maybe that is why I do it.

In my room I splash my face 50 continuous times, it’s a must, I change into my best clothes, and head down the hall to where the dining room is. By the time I get there almost everyone is there, no one pays attention, everyone goes inside their own heads. I sit at the same place I sit every time, it’s another must, sit in the same place, eat in the same order, look outside through the window. No one ever likes to sit close to the window, no one knows how to enjoy the beautiful sight outside; the sun setting in a slow pace, I always wait for it to eat my dessert and finish it when the sun disappears behind the hills. Such a beautiful sight and no one realizes is there.

“Ok people tomorrow a new guest is arriving, I would like for all of  you to be in your best behavior and give him a warm welcome,” Mr. Clade says, Ms. Trent has had a crush on him since forever, I think at this point is either call love or an obsession depending on who looks at it.

I’ve always dreamt of finding love, true love, but my head always fills with questions such as does true love really exists? Is it meant for me? Would it ever come knocking to my door?  Where am I going to find it? Such trivial questions that always left my head spinning.

The knock at my door makes my head spin even more, it opens before I have a chance to respond with anything, it’s Tania, and I dislike her most from here.

“Go way” I tell her

“Now Sara you know I can’t do that, here take this and stop being a bad girl” I think what I hate the most is the way she talks to me, ugh I hate her.

I start thinking about love once again waiting for sleep to cover me. I thought I had found love before but it all ended up being a farce. Oh how fool I was, I thought he was the one, he was going to change me make me better, I did changed but for worse. I had everything a young girl like me could ask for and now I had nothing good enough in my miserable life.

That night I dreamt. I dreamt about a little girl running in the hills yelling “I love you daddy, I love you mommy, I love this place, I love the world, I love everyone and everything” oh how overused that word is. I woke up in the middle of the night; this shouldn’t happen I thought, I was in the wrong side of the bed, I shouldn’t be here I thought again. Everything was wrong tonight. Getting out of bed I went to the sink and splashed my face 50 times, I redid my hair into the braid that had already come undone; I fixed the sheets on my bed and lay down once again.

Another dream came to me, it was a teenager now, there was a boy with her “I love you” she said, the guy just gave her a sinister smile and said the words that broke her heart “I won” and took off running coming back with a stash of money “thanks” he said and threw her a ten dollar bill for helping him winning the bet. Bells there were bells invading my hearing sense. I woke up with a groan to realize is the morning bell time to wake up, shower and go get breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2012 ⏰

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