The group nodded in agreement.

"Alright, let's see. The groups can be Ron and Hermione, Neville and Luna, Skyler and Sebastian, Jace and Cho, Seamus and Parvati, George and Angelina, and I'll go al-"

"Ginny, wait," Dean called as he burst through the door. "I want to help you look for the stone."

"Dean, I don't think that's a very good idea."

"Ginny, you need all of the help you can get."

"He's right Ginny," said Sebastian. "We do need as much as help as we can get."

"Oh, alright then. Dean, you'll Apparate with me. Your partners are who you'll be sharing a tent with, and no complaining. Also, you might want to keep watch, Lucius Malfoy is still on the run, along with Merlin knows how many other Death Eaters. Stick together. Let's go, Hermione, you and Ron Apparate first." The two disappeared.

"Neville, Luna." They disapparated.

"Skyler and Sebastian." The pair was about to disappear when Jace stopped them.

" 'Bastian, Mate, don't get too touchy with my sister," he said, and ended up with a hand-print on his left cheek where Skyler had slapped him.

"Don't be a git, Jace," she said, and disapparated with Sebastian.

"Right, Jace and Cho." They left.

"Ginny," Seamus said, "do I have to go with Parvati? We barely know each other, it will be awkward."

"Yes, Seamus, we need to be in pairs so that someone can keep watch." I leaned so I could whisper to him, "You're always complaining about how you're single, and Parvati is single, so maybe something could happen." Seamus smiled.

"Right then, Parvati, let's go."

"George and Angelina, and then me and Dean will follow." George grabbed Angelina's hand and disapparated.

"No tricks, Dean," I said when he grabbed my hand.

"No tricks, I promise," he said, and I felt the familiar sucking sensation before landing on my back on the ground. There was a searing pain in my right forearm. I looked down to see a gash the size of my fist.

"Ginny!" I heard Hermione's voice cry. "Ron, get the Dittany out of my bag."

There was shuffling to my left, but I didn't look over to see what was happening. Ron appeared and handed Hermione a vial of clear liquid.

"I knew this would happen, but I didn't think it would be you," she muttered quietly as dropped a few drops over my arm. It was almost too quiet for me to hear, but I caught it. When she was done, she wrapped my arm in some cloth and helped me up.

"Thanks Hermione," I said, and the brown haired girl smiled.

"Ginny, Hannah and Rolf are coming, and they were wondering if they could stay in our tent," Luna said.

"Sure, it's your tent, your decision. You didn't have to ask me."

"How come we would have to ask you, and they don't?" asked Jace.

"Because Luna and Neville are my best friends."

"So am I!" cried Sebastian.

"'Bastian, I'm letting you share a tent with your girlfriend, so shut it."

We went up to the old cottage and saw the same guy that was working there during the World Cup, Mr. Roberts. We got four campsites that formed sort of a circle, so that we could talk while we kept watch.

You and I{Sequel to The Return To Hogwarts}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon