After The Kiss

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At that moment, Joey's mind short circuits. His original plan of making the most of whatever their relationship previously was flew out the window. Shane is kissing him and his eyes immediately flutter close on their own accord. His soft, plump lips are better than he could have ever imagined. He feels as if his body is spontaneously combusting, liquid fire running through his veins. He's so caught off guard, he is clueless as to where to put his hands. His fingers limply intertwine in the small, painful few inches between his and Shane's chest. Shane's hands are on the back of his neck, gently forcing their lips together. Joey unconsciously moves closer to Shane. Joey can feel Shane passionately moving his lips on his, but he is beyond considering to respond. The only thing he can do is go weak in the knees and struggle to stay standing. As Shane pulls away, he opens his eyes. Absolutely dumbstruck but content, he giggles. "Okay," he manages, which, to his ears, sounds an embarrassing, unmanly octave higher than usual. He starts to confront Shane, but sees Lauren with a camera out of the corner of his eye. With an awkward gesture, he squeaks, "Wait, what the fuck just happened?" He can feel his face burning, and the awkwardness sets in when he realizes Lauren, and eventually Shane's fans, will witness his reaction.

Shane's lips are still tingling. He licks them and revels at the pomegranate taste; sweet and tangy. Shane walks further into his house, gesturing for Joey to follow him inside. "C'mon," he beckoned, followed by Lauren turning off the camera. "Alright, bye Shane," she said, taking her leave. Shane looks at Joey, who was flustered, which was apparent by the mild blush on his cheeks, reddening by the second. And he was confused, quizzically scratching the back of his neck. He just wants to kiss Joey on the cheek, looking so bashful and innocent. But I can't, he thought. Now I have to explain.

So many questions were running through Joey's head. Why did he kiss me? Was it solely for the camera? Did someone put him up to this? And god forbid, Did he like me? His thoughts caused his eyes to sting with tears. To think, he finally got his wish, and it would all be thanks to the request of some obsessive teenage girl. Not because Shane felt any sort of affection towards Joey. He decided to let Shane explain himself, there was no need to jump to conclusions. If worse came to worse, he could go home and cry into the fluff of Sharky-B.

Shane was conflicted. He obviously owed the poor guy some form of an explanation. There was no reason to reveal his feelings. Joey would just think he's pathetic for falling for him and thinking he even remotely had a chance with the likes of him. Then Joey would distance himself from Shane out of disgust, and there would be that much less happiness in Shane's life. I did it for the fangirls, he thought, mostly trying to convince himself. He'll understand, he knows how they can be.

"Uh, hey Joey, that was a dare...for Dare the Dawson...." Shane said, laughing nervously. He began to shift uncomfortably. "Goodness gracionious boy! That was...a good one!" Joey said with less gusto than usual, forcing his laughter. An awkward air set in the room. Shuffling towards the door, Joey said, "Well, if that's it, Sharky-B's waiting for me," Joey mumbled under his breath. "Wait!" Shane yelled, not sounding desperate at all. Joey turned around, a glint of hope in his eyes. "I still wanted to do a collab." Shane smiled. "Oh. Oh. Okay." Joey said with a sheepish smile.

After spitballing ideas for a while, they decided to do the Canned Food challenge. Hopping into Shane's car, their conversation jumped to anything and everything. Shane never ceased to make Joey laugh, ranging from fits of giggles, to hearty, bellowing laughter. All of which, was music to Shane's ears. It wasn't the least bit awkward, except for the fact that they would not meet each other's gaze. One would look at the other, and he would look away the millisecond the other caught his lingering glare. Their conversation did not reflect their deeper internal thoughts, questioning their status after that staged kiss.

After a brief journey to the grocery store, complete with a vlog, Shane and Joey return to Shane's and set up. "Hey sit down, lemme check the lighting," Shane said as he positioned the camera facing the wall. "Okay," Joey mused, setting his bag on the table, and taking a seat. He adjusted himself, and looked up and the camera. Shane noticed that the lighting made Joey's tan skin almost glow. "Perfect," Shane quipped, as he sits next to the beaming boy.

A dozen cans of bizarre food later, Joey is left with the taste of dog food on his breath, while Shane has a colossal mess to clean up. "Why did you buy dog food?" Joey gasped, grabbing for a piece of gum. "I mean dog food's not all bad, it'll keep your hair shiny," Shane said, ruffling Joey's quiff. Joey pouted; The gesture made them seem more like siblings than anything else. Joey then decided that he'd had enough of Shane for today. They had kissed, but still hadn't gotten anywhere. And that little thing ticked him off more than it should have. It added salt to the wound: Hey, we're still just friends! "You know what Shane, I'll see you later," he huffed, grabbing his things and taking his leave.

Wait, Shane thought. Was it something I said?

OH MY FUCK, THAT'S DONE. Okay, to anyone who actually wanted me to continue this, I'd like to thank you. I've been mulling this fic over, and I think I have some ideas (not concrete though). I have like a basic understanding of what I want to do. It will be like the collabs serve as checkpoints in their relationship. Like after/around a certain collab was filmed, something important happens (frick it sounds like I'm just trying to mush one-shots together and make a story I'll figure it out). I don't know how long this will be, but there shall be smut. I feel like its just gonna turn into smut. Is that ok? Leave me a comment tho. That is all. Thank.

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