The Dare

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Shane was reading through the comments, looking for dares that would be entertaining to his viewers but wouldn't cause him to meet an untimely death. As he had already successfully completed a few, namely, the condom challenge, he was feeling very confident. He came across

not one dare that he wouldn't do,

until he sees a suggestion that gives him a chill. Shane's heart stopped as he looked at his laptop screen. "Kiss a random Youtuber like Joey Graceffa," the comment read. He was debating if he should actually do it. I mean, not that he was opposed to the idea of kissing Joey, how would he bring it up into conversation? And would Joey even go through with it?

His heart raced at the thought. Kissing. Joey. Graceffa. He could only imagine the taste of Joey's pomegranate chapstick on his lips. He's always been mesmerized by Joey. His flawlessly tan skin, perfectly quiffed light brown hair and sea green eyes gave him an attractive surfer look. Shane was somewhat jealous of his lean but muscly physique. And what would become of them after the dare? Would he be disgusted with even the thought of kissing not just another boy, but Shane?

He paced around his room, contemplating texting Joey. I can't disappoint my fans, but do I really want to risk my relationship with him? He didn't want to go from being friends, to barely speaking a word to each other. He simply wouldn't be able to survive. He would definitely take not having Joey all to himself them having none of him at all. In a moment of recklessness he picked up his phone. When he regained his senses, his hands began to shake. What the fuck do I say? His hands fumbling over the keys, he typed, "Can you come over later? We could shoot a collab or something?"

Joey was minding his own business, rewatching his favorite anime,

Claymore, as he cuddled under the blankets with his Tototo doll and a fruit smoothie. His phone buzzed on his nightstand, and he absentmindedly picked it up, his eyes never leaving the screen. He glanced at his phone thinking it could wait till he finished one more episode, but when he read his name, endowed with an endless amount of sparkly/heart emojis, he immediately paused the episode, unlocked his phone, and carelessly threw Totoro across the room, giving the text his full attention.

"Can you come over later? We could shoot a collab or something?" It read. Or something? Or something?! What could he possibly have in mind?

Joey thought to himself. His mind drifted to what could happen, but in reality, there was no reason to get his hopes up. Knowing Shane, he could predict how the afternoon would proceed: Shane would make loads of gay sex innuendos, Joey would pretend to not understand them, and they'd still just be friends at the end of the day. Joey knew better than to build himself up just to get torn down, but something about Shane just clung to him. His uncanny ability to laugh about anything, no matter how morbid or just utterly wrong astounded him, and he was baffled that someone so perfect could have body image issues. His reddish brown hair boyishly swept to the side, his eyes an ever-changing shade of blue-green, and his lanky but tall frame seemed so attractive it was almost intimidating. It seemed pointless and almost immoral crushing on a guy who was not only straight, but taken. He could pretend day in and day out that he didn't give a shit about Lisa, but she wasn't just an obstacle, she was another human being. Leaving his thoughts, he replied with "Well shoot boy, you know I'm game. 2 sound good? :)"

Shane's fingers were diligently tapping against his desk. He was visibly shaking, anticipating Joey's answer. Fuck, I should just call it off, he thought to himself. Better yet, I should have told him I was kissing him for a dare. Anxiety crawled up on him thinking about he was just going to spring out and kiss Joey, that was, if he even answered.

Shane's internal battle ceased when he saw Joey's reply: "Well shoot boy, you know I'm game. 2 sound good? :)". That brought a smile to his lips. He found Joey's unique speech pattern endearing and cute. He could practically hear his fake Southern accent. He casually typed, "Yea, see you soon ;)". Checking the time and seeing that it was 1:30, he gave himself a once-over. His hair greasily stuck to his forehead, he was still in his stupid TMNT shirt and pajama pants, and he smelt horrid. He had been watching Big Brother all morning, because Lisa was out with friends. He quickly ran to the shower, and jumped in, disregarding the fact that it was freezing cold. After using the Lush products Lisa got for him and assuring himself that he did not smell like rotten sewage, he grabbed a towel and frantically dried off. Heading into the closet, he scanned his wardrobe for something acceptable to wear. He retrieved a red and black flannel shirt, black skinny jeans, and his black converse and messily dressed himself. Grabbing his phone and asking Lauren to come over and film it, he stood in front of the mirror and straightened himself out. "You go girl," He whispered in Shananay's voice, striking different poses.

Lauren arrived fifteen minutes later, and Shane filled her in on the dare. She turned on the camera and he started with, "Ok, so, I am at my front door, I invited Joey GRACEFFAH over to hang out and watch some movies. And Lauren is filming. Say 'Hi,' Lauren." She cheekily responds, "Hi Lauren!" "So I'm gonna open the door, bring him in here, and then FUCKIN' make out with him," he continued. "Did you get scared by that?" he asked. "Little bit," she squeamishly replied. "Great," he said as she turned the camera off. "All we have to do is wait for Joey." Lauren took the camera in the kitchen while she made herself a sandwich.

Joey shakily opened the door to his car. I'm hanging with Shane! But I'm not fat as fuck, he thought with a chuckle. He watches all of Shane's vlogs. He sped down the highway, neglecting the speed limit. It was 1:53, he didn't want to be late. After swerving through traffic, his skills rivaled only by ambulances, he got there just in time. "Just outside," he texted Shane. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves. You already know what's gonna happen, just make the best of your time together, he thought, confidently springing out of his car and strutting up to Shane's front door.

Shane received Joey's text while he was sitting on the couch nervously petting Corny. "Just outside." It read. Holy. Shit. The reality of the situation suddenly hit him. Joey was right outside, his plump lips just awaiting him. He's gonna kiss Joey, and nothing could possibly change that. It was inevitable. .He told Lauren to get in position when he saw Joey's silhouette in the doorway. With each step Shane took, the beating of his heart grew faster and louder. He opened the door, revealing Joseph Michael Graceffa in his entirety. He was wearing a blue and white striped t-shirt which brought painful attention to his biceps and brought out his eyes. His jeans were tight fitting, and he was wearing some name brand shoes. He looked perfect. They exchanged greetings, and Shane was embraced in a hug. Not the full-body hug he yearned for, it was an awkward, pat-on-the-back hug that left a few inches in between their bodies. Leave room for Jesus, Shane thought snarkily.

"So I set up the camera, I thought we could do a tag video or something," Shane suggested, to which Joey happily agreed. Then Shane's train of thought stopped. He has to do it now, for the camera. Regardless of how he feels, it must happen now. It's not going to be romantic or cliché or cheesy, because it's already been planned. Swallowing this dreadful thought, maintaining his facade for the camera, he turns around and with "Oh, and really quick," Shane's lips are on Joey's.

Well that was long and tiring. But fun. Should I continue in third person or should I switch between Shane and Joey's points of view. Hope you enjoy that, I feel like it was shit.


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