Chapter One

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I watched as I sank lower in the frozen lake,cold and painful.I eventually hit the bottom,causing the air left in my longs to escape.As I looked at the shimmering of the light,my mom passed away last night.She had cancer,my only family I had.I began to thrash and choke on water as everything goes black.The last thing I remember was reaching to the surface.
I wake up shooting up and over coughing out water.I look around,a black room around me,I stand up.I notice I'm not cold or wet,where am I?I feel oddly relaxed,I take a step hearing water splash.I look down water,I think it's cold water.I feel scared,but calm.I look for a door or some sort of entrance.
I take as deep of a breath I can without coughing,my body aches.Am I stuck here?Am I alone?I think,soon the room gets warm as I feel an almost hot hand touch my shoulder.Unnaturally hot.I turn quickly seeing a man with a big and small set of horns,deep red eyes,and gelled back black hair.He was tan as well,my eyes widen backing up.I slip and fall still backing up.
I yell at him to get away from me,he walked up to me.I hear him sigh,as if annoyed.My heart beating quickly as he puts his hand out.I just look at it,then up at him."Come on,I don't have all day I have plans tonight."He says and I slowly take his hand as he pulls me up I felt the hotness of his hand on mine.
I kinda wanted to pull my hand away,but it didn't burn."Thank you..."I say shakily,he nods turning towards a door that wasn't there when I first woke up."Follow me."He says leaving the room,I follow quickly.We pass doors with numbers and words on it.I could only make out,murder,suicide,fire,and I think shot.Ways of death..."Where am I?"I ask and he looks over his shoulder at me.
"Hell."He says to and my heart sinks."What?"I stumble on the word,shocked."You're dead,you're in hell.You died of ice,it was technically suicide."He says and I stop walking.Realizing what I did to myself,I feel tears in my eyes.He turns and looks at me,he sighs walking up to me.I look at him,then I look away."I didn't...I was..."I spit out,he makes me look at him."Look,honestly I don't care how,nor why.But stop crying,makes you look weak.This is not the place to look weak so suck it up."
He says and starts walking again.I follow him,all the way to a house.I wiped my eyes and stayed quiet."This is my house,but now technically you live here too.You will be staying here,understood?"I nod and he goes up and opens the door.The heat of the house hits me,I feel just slightly dizzy.I follow him inside,he shuts the door behind me."The last door upstairs is your room,I'll let you look around."I look at him,slightly confused."You'll be staying here...Uhh whatever your name is."
   "My name is Kaleb."I say and he nods."Call me Azar."He responded and I nodded.I walked into a room with a six person table,the wall paper is a copper color.I walk through another dark wood doorway,into a kitchen with dark wood counters and cabinets.The fridge is a deep grey,along with the stove and sink.The floor is a lighter reddish wood.I leave going to a door near the stairs.Its a closet with cleaning supplies,chemicals,a mop,and a broom.
   I go up the stairs,the same reddish wood as the kitchen,dining room,and living room.I walk through the wide hallway,a small living room like place.It has a cream love seat and 2 matching chairs.I walk past it,3 doors on both sides of the hallway.I open one to find a bathroom,dark grey and white.I close the door back and continue.After finding a spare bedroom I touch the lock of the last door on the left.
   The door knob is hot,but not enough to burn me.I open to see a large bed and a dresser,I think this is Azar's bedroom.Its right across from mine.I open the door,grey walls,a bed against the wall and 2 other doors.I open one finding it to be a small closet and the other is a bathroom.A bath/shower,a sink with counter space,and a toilet.It has a cabinet for towels beside the bathtub.
    I walk back to the bed sitting down on it,kinda firm.I see movement by the door,I look seeing Azar smoking leaning on the doorway."You'll have a list of chores later,that I expect done everyday.""What?"I say confused,he sighs."You will be serving me,lower ranks serve higher ranks.Its just how it goes.When I first got here,I served.There are only a few ways that you will be able to leave."He says and a aggravated tone.
   My heart drops,but I don't know what I expected either."Basically just do what I say,do your chores,and don't piss me off you'll be fine."He says blowing out smoke.I nod slowly,I feel upset.I just want to lay in this bed for a while.I just lost my mother,now I'm basically a slave...It's a lot all at once,I feel tears run down my face.I can feel his eyes on me as I sat there looking at the floor thinking.
   I look at him and he looks away,he takes another drag of the cigarette before walking off.I lay backwards,my hands over my face.This is my fault,I was so upset and emotional to realize what I was doing.A image of a white deer comes to mind.I think I saw it before I fell into the water.As the water comes to mind the pain of water filling my lungs,and the ice cold water on my skin fills my mind.Tears fell down the sides of my face.
   I move to hold onto myself laying in my side now.My body aches,my chest aches,my head aches.I want to sleep,but I don't know if I can or should.When my hand touches my skin it feels cold,ice cold.I don't feel cold,I mean it's not cold in here.It feels semi warm in here.I sit up when the door of the room shuts and locks.I look at it,my heart racing."Azar..?"I say getting up and walking to the door.I touch the handle then pull my hand away.The hell?Its hot,I look at my hand.Red,but nothing else."Azar?"I say knocking on the door,I can smell smoke.
    Hes there,he's definitely outside the door.I walk away from the door to the window.He locked me in here,so he doesn't want me to leave.I feel close to panicking,I touch the window the glass is cooler than expected,the sky is red and oranges.Like a sunset,but it is almost noon.The grass is more on the purple side than green.I take my hand away from the window,I notice there's still a hand print on the window.
   It looks like frost,I think it is frost.I walk to the bathroom to the sink.I look at my hands,when I look up at the mirror I back up almost falling into the bathtub.The tips of my hair are silver,and there's a ring of blue around my pupil.My skin has a undertone or blue instead of pink.I touch my face,starting to freak out.I run to the door of my room."Whats happening to me?!"I yell through the door,no response.
   I hit the doors few times continuing to yell.I kick the door before he opens it and pushes me back."Shut the hell up.Calm your fucking shit."He says angrily,my eyes widen.I move back,he gets closer to me."Why the hell are you so emotional?!I've been kinder than any other of my kind!And you decide you can yell at me?!"I feel tears run down my face.
   His eyes are red,like fire almost.He grabs my arm,pulling me up.His hand is hot,it's starting to burn.He pushes me against the wall,I try to pull my arm away.He doesn't let me go,he grabs my face looking at me."You are the most emotional,idiotic person I've ever met.Not even a 5 year old girl is this emotional."He says as I try to get away from him.
   At one point I think his eyes looked more kinder,just for a second."Suck it up."With those words I felt anger fill me."Leave me alone!"I yell and he tosses me on the floor."You want me to leave you alone,huh?Okay fine.I'll do just that."He says and he leaves the room locking it.I starts to sob quietly putting my hands to my face.This is all too much.
   I just want to go home,I'm scared.I pull myself onto the bed shoving my face into a pillow.Im not always this emotional,it's just everything is happening at once and it's just too much for me right now.I don't know what he meant by,leaving me alone.I think I'm going to be in here for a while.
   It has been an hour and I'm exhausted,I look at my arm.Its not burnt,no blisters just red.I am laying in the bed,have been the whole time.After he left I heard a few bangs.I think he punched the wall a few times.He scares me,but I saw kindness in his eyes right before I said something.I don't know though,I could've been wrong.I close my eyes falling asleep.
   I am in water,cold water.I look around,darkness.I look up,ice is blocking my way out.I feel something wrap around my ankle and pull me down.I loose the breath in my lungs,I look down seeing a monster.It has red eyes and sharp teeth.It held me by my arms,legs,and wait.It got in my face,I could hear it growl,it is angry.I try to thrash around,but it keeps me still.I feel it grab my chin.Its face got closer.As it was only a few centimeters away from my face I jolt up.In a cold sweat,it's dark out now.I look at my wrist,light bruises.
   For a second I feel like is was warmer in here.I look at my legs and waist light bruises there as well.My chest hurts.I get up and go to the bathroom,I look in the mirror.Theres more silver in it,the ring of blue is even bigger now.That dream was weird,and the fact there are bruises scares me.I go to the door,it's still locked.
   I can barely feel any heat,I think he's in his room.I should get more sleep,I don't know what will happen tomorrow.I want to go home,I want to get out of here.He said there's ways I can get out of here,to stop being a slave.I look at the window,if he doesn't know if I get out there's no way he'll find me right?I look at the street,but where would I hide?I notice a few guys walking towards the house,all have horns and different eye colors.
   I get from the window and get back in the bed.I face the wall,Not sure if I should let them know I'm awake.I hear a knock on the door and I hear foots steps down the hall,going downstairs.I close my eyes listening to Azar talk and them talking back.I hear my name,then footsteps up the stairs.I try to relax,but I'm more in a panic.I focus on my heart,slowing it while calming down.I hear the door unlock.
   They walk in,and walk to my bed.One of them moved my chin to look at my face."He's kinda cute."He says to Azar I think.the one touching my face has a neutral body temp,unlike me or Azar."Dude,you're so fucking lucky.Mine won't stop talking about his girlfriend.""He's emotional,like overly emotional."Azar says with a sigh.I feel one of them shake me.I furrow my eyebrows,I need to sale the fact that I am asleep.
   "Kaleb,hey wake up."The one shaking me says.I slowly opening my eyes."Really Athus?"I sit up quickly backing up.My back hits the wall.I look at them my heart racing.The one that was closest to me had purple eyes and black messy hair.He gave me a smirk,the vibe from him made me uncomfortable."Azar,can we sha-""Hell no,he's my first servant."He frowns and sighs.One with blue eyes and green hair sits on the bed.
   I want to leave,I want them away from me."But seriously dude,he's actually really cute.You should be happy."The purple eyed one said to Azar.I look at Azar,he makes eye contact with me and sighs."Lets get out of here before he starts to cry or something."He got the clue.I hear a few awws as they all walk away.Once they left Azar comes back into my room.I haven't moved,he is quiet."Give me your hands."
   "Why?"I ask as he looks at me."Because,I wanna see."I give him my hands and he looks at the bruises."Where else are there bruises?""On my waist and ankles...""Tell me if you have another dream like that.Okay?""Why do you care?"He rolls his eyes."Because I had similar dreams when I first got here,I don't know what they mean.But they won't stop."He says sighing.Hes acting weird,I mean he isn't that up tight as before.
"So you still have them?""No,but I don't know how to make them stop.So you're stuck with it."How do I know I'm not a,Uh low rank?"He thinks for a moment."You'll have complete control of your powers,and have horns by then."He says before digging in his pocket."In the morning you'll starts with the chores.If you don't finish the chores you'll have 2 times the chores or you will be up all night."Azar says and I nod.He hands me a folded piece of tan paper.I unfold it and read the chores.
Seemed to be normal chores,dishes,laundry,cleaning,and cooking.I did most of this while at home so it isn't a big deal."Okay."I say and he leaves,I check the clock.3 in the morning,I should sleep some.I lay back down putting the paper on the bedside table.I fall asleep,but no dream.When I wake up I take a shower,the warm ness of the water making me slightly dizzy.I get out and get dressed.I start on the chores,once he gets up I start to cook breakfast.
The rest of the day wasn't very eventful.I did the chores and spent the rest of the day and night in my room.I am starting to figure out what I should do.The window doesn't have a lock,I can easily get out of it,and I can climb down the room and stuff as well.I just need somewhere to go,I think there's a forest at the end of the block.I can go there,but right now is not the best time to try to leave.Maybe I should wait till I have my,Uh powers?
A month later,my hair is fully silver and my eyes are blue now.Originally brown.I have been getting headaches,but other than that nothing has changed.Well appearance wise,every time I get upset I see frost around me.Or if I have a nightmare I see frost around me.Ive gotten better about my mom,I'm not that upset.I mean I miss her,but I grieved a lot during the month.Im more or less at peace about it.
Azar has been quiet,and acting weird.If I am cooking he will sit on a counter and watch me.If I'm doing laundry he watches me.I think he's just making sure I'm doing it properly or something.He has me eating with him as well,he doesn't talk to me he will just eat.Once my powers get stronger I plan to escape to the forest.I hear a knock on the door of my bedroom."Yeah?"I say as he comes into the room."I want you to come with me out to dinner with a friend."He says and I nod."Alright.What time?""6 o'clock."I nod and he leaves,I'm not sure what to do.I get ready to go to bed as I clean up my room.
   The next day I do the chores and get ready,he comes to my room.I look at him,he's dressed a bit more formal than before."Lets go,just follow me.""Okay."We walked to a restaurant,he goes up to a girl.She had short horns and green eyes."Hey Stormie,this is Kaleb."I smile to greet her,I feel a odd vibe from her."Oh,this is the one you told me about."I look at Azar,he rubs the back of his neck.
   We go in and are seated in a booth Azar in the middle."He looks so interesting,I haven't seen one with white hair before.""Yeah,he is one of a kind.Hes touch with his emotions."I don't say anything,I don't know what to say.Stormie is a normal girl,I'm not sure."Well the way you talked about him on the phone was very cute."He gives her a glare and I look at Azar."Shut up about that Stormie.""What?I would've too."
"What does she mean?"I say and he just shakes his head."Nothing,she's just being weird."He says and I look at her."He likes your new look,I'm pretty sure he's starting to like you."She says and I feel my cheeks heat up,I'm embarrassed.I don't feel the same,not at all.He just sighs aggravated."I don't like him,he's a servant.""Then why'd you bring him?"She says teasingly."Aren't you about to get a servant?""Hell Yeah,I was told the next one who comes to the uhh...Executed door."
Stormie And Azar talked randomly about whatever.I didn't pay much attention unless I was talked to."So Kaleb,How'd you end up here?""I...""He killed himself in the frozen lake."I looked down and she responds with an 'oh.'"Well you have to have real balls to drown yourself."She says hitting my arm from across the table.I shrug in response,I want to go.We finish up and Azar and I leave to go back to the house.
He doesn't say anything to me,nor do I say anything to him.Why would he like me?All he says is that I'm emotional.Now he hasn't said much for a while."Just forget what she said."He says not looking at me."What?"I say looking at him."What she said was bullshit,so forget it.She tries to get me angry because she thinks it's fun."He says when he looks at me."Okay..."I say and I can tell he was thinking about something.It was making him red in the face,blushing.
   We get to the house,he opens the door for me.He grabs my hand swinging me and pushing me against the closed door.My eyes widen his face inches from mine.He looks into my eyes,trying to read my emotions.He gets closer to me,his body pushing against me as he kisses me.My face reddens,I try to pull away,but he doesn't let me.He pulls away a minute later,his face red and his eyes yellow.I don't like him."Please get off..."I say pushing on his shoulders.He doesn't budge.
   "Let me go to my room.""Shut up."He says,making me nervous and scared."I said get off me!"I say kicking him in the groin.He stumbles back and I dart up the stairs.I need to get away from him,I don't know what's going on.I hear him running after me,I get to the bathroom in my room closing and locking the door.I sit in the bathtub watching the door.I hear him hit the door,yelling my name.Tear gather in my eyes,I want to yell for him to leave me alone.I don't because if I say anything my voice will crack.
   The banging stops,but I can feel heat.I feel very hot heat come into the room.I get dizzy then nauseous,I get out of the tub and to the toilet.After a few moments I throw up,this heat is like sitting right next to a fire.Its making me sick,I lean back against the wall.I see ice on the sides of the toilet I touched when I puked.I close my eyes and pass out.I wake up in my bed,I see Azar on the end of my bed.
   I sit up backing away from him,he looks at me.He gets up,and backs up."I'm sorry,I think I drank too much at the restaurant and I wasn't thinking right.Are you okay?"He says taking a step closer."Get away from me."I said and he stops and backs up.I feel tears in my eyes still,I feel like I'm shaking and my heart is beating fast.I want to leave,I'm going to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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