Giving In (MinJin)

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As soon as his eyes made eye contact with Park Jimin's, Kim Seokjin could feel his face heating up. Almost as if Jimin could read his thoughts, the younger guy throws a smirk in his direction.

Seokjin almost wants to roll his eyes, but than he notices how Jimin is slowly licking his plump bottom lip, and the memories of catching Jimin fucking another student once again penetrate his thoughts.

You wouldn't know it from seeing Jimin, looking all sweet and innocent all the time. After all, as of now he happens to be one of Seokjin's best students. Kim Seokjin who only started teaching senior calculus this year.

At 23, Seokjin is the epitome of perfection. He's both funny, well mannered, with an amazing personality, and to top it all off, not only is he beyond intelligent and a hard worker, he also happens to be beyond breathtakingly gorgeous.

When the students saw him coming into the classroom for the first time, they were mind blown. They couldn't believe someone who looked like him, with his amazing body proportions, beautiful facial features, and luscious brunette hair would be teaching here, and not be a model or an actor instead.

One of them happened to be the popular, cute, and sexy Park Jimin. He fell for the older guy in that one instant. All it took was one look at his side profile for him to be a goner.

Jimin tried everything within his grasp to get his attention, from trying to do bad in his class so he could get some one on one alone time with the older guy, to trying to be the teachers pet when the first tactic didn't yield him any results.

Jimin was not only horny most of the time, from all the imaginings he had of him fucking the older guy, he was emotionally frustrated as well. He wanted Seokjin to look at him in a different light, but Seokjin was too much of a responsible adult when it came to his job.

So despite Jimin now being 18 years old, and about to graduate in a few weeks time, there seemed to be nothing he could do to get the older guy to finally cave in.

Jimin knew for a fact that Seokjin was interested in him, so who was Seokjin trying to kid. He's seen the way he will look at him sometimes. Not to mention the few times when they would find themselves alone, Seokjin would act all nervous and shy with the younger guy.

Which is why after months of this guy trying to hook up with Jimin, Jimin finally gave in. Before Seokjin, he had been someone who didn't sleep around a lot, but from time to time he enjoyed having one night stands.

Of course all that changed when his standards were no longer so low. For the longest time the only person he's wanted is his teacher. It just so happened that his breaking point, might end up being the answer to his prayers.

As much as Seokjin would wish to continue ignoring their feelings for each other, the boner the older guy had been sporting as soon as he left (after catching Jimin in the act) can no longer hide what he really feels.

Jimin has a lot of plans for him, which is why it's a good thing this is the last class of the day. Jimin doesn't think he would've been able to handle much more of this torture. After all, thanks to his teacher, he wasn't able to finish off.

"Okay class. Just because you'll be graduating in a few weeks it doesn't mean you can just disregard your last few assignments. This one is crucial for your final grade."

With that said, the bell finally rings, letting everyone know that school is finally dismissed. Seokjin had his back facing the rest of the students, so he doesn't even realize how he's not even completely alone. After waving bye to a few of his classmates, Jimin has stayed behind.

Jin X BTS one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora