"Makes sense. I'd probably do the same" I respond. "So were good?"

"Aren't we always?" He asks. I could see that he was holding back a grin.

"I guess" I replied.

"Are you gonna come sit with me or...?" He asks.

"I don't want to move. Plus this is the bed we usually sleep on" I tell him.

"I thought we went ba k and forth sometimes?" He said looking at both beds.

"Not usually" I said back.

"I don't pay attention to that shit" he chuckles finally letting his extremely hot smile fall onto his beautiful lips.

"I can tell" I lay on my back staring at the ceiling. Soon after I feel him come lay next to me. I'm glad it isn't awkward. "Where'd you go?"

"With Jake" he responds. "When do Nathan and Lily leave?"

"In the morning early. That's all she told me" I shrugged.

"Why are we staring at the ceiling as if it's the most interesting thing ever?" He asks. I see him look over to me from my peripheral.

"Because maybe it is" I said back.

"It's white. And that's all" he mutters.

"Well...I am too" I said and he laughs.

"But you've got features, hot ones" he tells me.

"So that's what makes me interesting. I get it" I said dramatically.

"And a personality...a weird crazy one" he adds in.

"Ass" I mutter.

"Hole" he finishes and I laugh.

"You're sick" I replied.

"You've dealt with it for years already" he shrugs. I turn to see he's still looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing" he shakes his head.

"You're staring at me. There's always something" I remark.

"There really isn't, can I not just stare at my girlfriend?" He asks.

"No, it comes off creepy when you do it" I joke. He scoffs.

"Rude" He said. "Can we...do something more fun?" He asks.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"8:00" he replied.

"Already, jeez. Okay, can we go get slurpies?" I asked.

"Yeah if you want" he nods with a shrug.

"Obviously, this was supposed to be a relaxing day. What makes it better than slurpies?" I sit up.

"Right" he chuckles sitting up also. I grab my bag and slip on my shoes he follows and we go.


  We walk into the gas station closest to us. We pour the slurpies. I also look through some candies getting some.

"What should we get!?" I asked. "Chips or some like candy?" I turn to look at him sipping my slurpie.

"Both" he suggests.

"Even better. But what candies and which chips?" I ask.

"Whatever you want" he grabs one of those plastic bags to put the candy in it. He opens it. "So what is that?" He looks at me.

"You pick. I'm gonna pick the chips" I tell him. I go into the chip area looking at all the decision.

"Having a hard time deciding?" A deep voice said from beside me.

"Yeah kinda" I muttered looking at them. Sweet chilli heat? Sour cream?

"Just get your favourite" he tells me.

"Yeah that's the problem, I eat like all of them so I don't have a favourite. Also I gotta be aware of my boyfriends likings also" I tell the guy bending down and grabbing sweet chilli heat and sour cream. The guy immediately shut up after that. I grab those and go back to Mason who was twisting the bag shut.

"Got 2" I tell him.

"And got like a billion candies. We good?" He asks.

"I believe we are" I nodded.

"Great let's pay" he said nudging me forward.

"Don't push me" I tell him.

"You don't walk fast enough" he replied.

"Well deal with it" I push him he laughs.

"I've dealt with it for 18 years" he said. We put the stuff on the counter. The guy scans it all. I was about to pay but Mason did like he always does. Because he's annoying and won't let me do anything.

We left and went back to the dorms. And then we watched a movie and relaxed for the rest of the night.



Next chapter. I'm thinking it's gonna be summer. So skipping time again. Whatcha guys think!? I need something good. So I'm thinking that. But anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Tell me what ya think about it and you know the drill with that! (MANNY MUA BITCH) sorry lol. Xoxo.


Love, Fights...and Everything in between (MBBF sequel)Where stories live. Discover now