Merome123's Question

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Time for my quetions! 

1.) Now that you guys are married ^^ are you guys going to have little kids running around?

Seto: *blushes* Well umm i dont know

Brice: That would be nice, but i mean.... this house is dangerous! 

Seto: What do you mean?! 

Brice: Well look at this place 

Seto: *looks around* 

Brice: Theres potions and dangerous glass and havey books! 

Seto: hmm.. I guess.. if we did i would have to make a lab.. 

2.) What is the sexiest thing seto has ever done for you brice? 

Seto: Well.. one day while Brice was sleeping I- 

Brice: *covers his mouth* as much as i love telling them thigs we do i think that spicific one 

Seto: *shrugs* 

3.) what would you do if i kidnapped you both? 

Seto: As long as im with Brice

Brice: As long as im with Seto 

4.) Brice.... Can you draw me somthing? 

Brice: SURE! 

Ask SetoSolace!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora