sarah1093's Questions!

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@sarah1093 Asked Very Many Questions:

Request: *duct tapes Seto's mouth* Questions only for Brice.

1. Do you think Seto likes what you two do alone?

Brice: Well, he sounds like he does, acts like he does, and always says he does, so yes.

2. Do you like what you do to Seto?

Brice: Yes. Yes. A million times yes.

3. Are these questions worrying Seto?

Brice: *looks at Seto* Maybe. I can't tell with him trying to untie his hands.

4. Do you ever wish Seto was a girl?

Brice: No. Just no. I've met the girl version of Seto, and wishing Seto was exactly like my friend would be weird. Seto is perfect the way he is.

5. Do you read dirty SetoSolace fanfics? ;)

Brice: *blushes* Y-yes, I have before... I don't all the time, but I've read a few...

6. Do you think Seto looks sexy/tasty right now?

Brice: *looks over at Seto* ... With that blush, yes. He looks irresistible looking so... well, as I will put it, UKE. Like I could dominate him right now.

7. Brice, if Seto was yours for the day, and you could do anything to him, what would you do?

Brice: Well, I would do anything he wanted to do. If it was something not-so-G-rated, then I'd do it because... He wants to. If it's just cuddling by the fire in ugly Christmas sweaters, drinking hot coco, and watching the classic Christmas movies, I'd do it because he wants to.

8. Are these questions bothering you?

Brice: No, not really. Some of them are embarrassing, but no. I don't mind them

9. Who else in TC(TeamCrafted) is hot and sexy besides Seto?

Brice: Hm... Well, Seto's and obvious #1, so I got to say Jerome the Bacca is #2. Not implying anything, Seto is MINE. All mine!

10: Harry Styles or Niall Horan?

Brice: Niall Horan. Gimme some of dat Irish booty! .... SETO IS STILL MINE KEEP ALL YO HANDS OFF OF HIM...

SETO'S TURN~ *ties brice up and duct tapes his mouth*

1. Do you like what Brice does to you?

Seto: Is this supposed to be sexual?!?! If so... *light pink blush on face* Y-yeah...

2. Should I play 'Get Lucky'?


3. *plays Get Lucky anyway*

Seto: Well, Brice is tied up, but chances are after this, he'll be all over me, which I won't mind...

4. Are you Brice's bitch?

Seto: WHA? NO! He isn't like that, and I'm not like that, and-

(((Seto, she means are you Brice's?)))

Seto: Oh. I'm so Brice's. I'm all his.

5. Who in TC (Team Crafted) do you like besides Brice?

Seto: .... *blushes* Mitch, but I'm all Brice's! All Brice's!


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