seven items

31 1 0

E: This will be a very interesting chapter! We learn a little more about that the reader. So I hope you all enjoy it!

Death's POV

I'm sitting upstairs with the others. I'm worried about Emma and (Y/n)'s brother. He seems to not care if his siblings are happy or in good care just that they're with him. So it's safe to say that he'll do anything to get them back. He might even be willing to hurt or kill one of us. I can promise him this he tries to hurt Jenae he's dead meat! "I can't help but wonder how long they were in that room for." I say. "A long time no doubt." Joey says. "The biggest thing on my mind is Jackson ,their brother, and how we keep them away from him." I say. "We don't need to worry about that right now. I wiped his memories so that should buy us some time." Jenae says. She thinks of everything! She wipes a guys memories so we have time to plan! She freezes time so we can save people! Jenae's awesome! I love her so much! (Yes I still ship Death x Jenae)

"I hope so. I'm more scared of what he might do to get him back than him actually getting them back. I mean he wasn't afraid to turn his older brother into a doll just to keep him. there's nothing stopping him from turning one of us into a doll or do worse." I say. "I've actally seen this happen before." Jenae says. She takes out a book and opens it up. "In the past the ancient pharaoh once turned his brother into a doll. He said "It was for his own good." Aparently the prosses it's self is very complicated. but the good newz is that it can only be done every 10,000 years." Jenae explains. "can it be undone?" Death ask. Jenae shakes her head no. "I feel bad for him and his sister. (Y/n) is her only family member other than insane Jackson. She wants her brother back. Jackson will be her only human brother." I say. "Well the spell I cast on him makes him be able to have emotions." Jenae says. "So even if he's not human she'll still have a brother." I nod.

"Does anyone else feel weird around (Y/n)?" Jenae asks. "Yea I do but I try and ignore it." I say. "What do you mean by that?" She asks me. "I feel my heart go light and my head some times. I can't think." I say. "It feels like your drawn to him right?" Nana says. "kinda but I don't really care cause I already love someone." I say. "I know what you mean." Joey says. "Yea when you get closer to him it's like you don't want to move away." Grace says agreeing. "Since he's a doll it must be a deffence mecanision so people attamaticly have the feeling to protect him." Jenae says. "Or keep him. His crazy brother already wants to keep him and his sister but with that feeling his desire is even stronger." I say. "Oh no. no." Jenae says and emidetly starts looking through her book worriedly. She stops on a very old page. "I thought so. There isn't six items there are seven." she says. "So what are you saying? (Y/n) is a millennium item?" I ask."Yes he is the millennium doll. He has millennium blood inside of him." She says. "Wait if he's an item then he needs a host." Yugi says.

"That must be it then! His millennium blood must be calling out for people! It's looking for a host!" Jenae says "So what happens when he finds a host?" I ask. Her eyes narrow. "I don't know the page is ripped out." She says. "Well then we just don't become his host." I say. "That's going to be hard. His blood makes him alluring. He's like a drug that won't stop until he finds a host." Jenae says. "And we don't know what happens once he gets one!" Yugi says. "Well now more than ever we can't let his brother get him!" I say. "It says when the time comes Joshua's soul will be put to rest when the seremonial battle begins between the two should, The souls will clash until a final battle and whoever wins decides their own fate as (Y/n)'s should will finally be put to rest." Jenae says. "Wait do you mean that (Y/n) is going to die?!" I ask. "That's terriable." Yugi says. "Yes becuase he doesn't belong here. He's from another time. he wasn't souposed to be born. infact he's the most powerful item there is." Jenae says. "So what do we do than?" I ask.

Jenae sighs. "I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this spell." She says and looks at her millennium item. "Jenae no! If it's going to hurt you don't do it!" I say. I can't let Jenae get hurt. No way in hell. Jenae closes her eyes. "I have to it's my job as a tomb keeper." she says. She points her staff at us and her eyes become ice cold. "Freeze." She says. My body and everyone else's becomes inclosed in ice. I'm confused on why she would do this. I can still hear and she chaints something in another language. Her eyes glow red and all the items in the room start to glow. She then slams the staff on the ground and yell "BRAKE!" /an earthquake? what is she doing?/ (if someone has // this it's their thoughts) Her hair turns into flames. "Desend through time and space!" She says and the ground shakes more and harder. I tear up. I'm extremely worried about Jenae "Take us home!" She says. that's the last thing I see before I see nothing but black.

E: I hope you enjoyed! I know I sure did! please leave a comment and let me know what you think!

MADE ON 4/7/14

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