once again, he began singing the lyrics, connecting himself with every lyric, every beat, as his friends cheered him from the side.

i look at gus as he continued to sing the song, the veins in his neck pulsated against his skin as the words slipped from his tongue. for a second everything was in slow motion except him. his previous words lingering in my head like a broken record.

"i think worlds away is dedicated to you ma." smoke told me, with a wink and a small smile.

i couldn't answer. i just began to feel the smile forming across my face as i laid my eyes on gus again.

did we really have to be worlds away?


as the concert came to a close, me and megan headed back to the dressing room while we waited for the guys to come back, they were busy meeting fans right now.

the fact that they were famous still stunned me.

"he wants that pussy hoe!" megan chanted, sticking her tongue out at me.

i chuckled and shook my head at her.

"i'm sure he does it with everyone." i reply.

"you know what, just let it happen."

as i was about to reply, i was interrupted by the sound of the door opening and the guys walked in.

"you girls down for getting lit back at ours?" wiggy said. like normal, before i could answer, megan beat me to it.

"hell yes!"

with that, we met them in the hallway, as megan joined nates side, gus joined mine.

"you like the show?" he asked.

"i guess you were alright." i teased.

"damn girl why you gotta act so damn cold?"

"you think i'm just gonna get on that dick or some shit?"

"i even dedicated a song to you." he replied. a pout forming on his lips. i loved angering him. he deserved it. just because i got a bit infatuated doesn't mean what he did to me in the store was right.

i know what his true intentions are.

i turn around to him and get real close to his face, i loved playing his game.

i could feel his breath on my mouth, he licked his lips as a smile formed on his mouth.

"don't do me like this baby." he pleaded.

"i don't know what you're talking about." i reply, planting a small kiss on the corner of his mouth, before quickly turning to catch up with the others.

once we get back in the car, me and megan are in the middle together. wiggy and horse in the front with smoke and gus in the back.

there was conversation between everyone on the way back, everything was natural. until gus decided to lean over the seat.

"just you wait, don't make deals with the devil baby girl." he whispered harshly.

APARTMENT 302.    ( g.ahr )Where stories live. Discover now