ᑕᖺᗩᕈ♈ᙓᖇ 〇ﬡᗴ ➣➣ 〈〈 Zɪᴀʟʟ 〉〉

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(( A/N:  I figured I'd give you guys one good Chapter to at least get us started, yeah?(:  VOTE.  COMMENT.  FAN.  :D ))

Chapter One ➣➣ Ziall

(( Niall's Point of View ))
"Niall!  Get your fatass out of bed right now."  A sudden weight was slammed down onto my head, making me groan in protest and roll over.  "What the fuck, Louis?  Leave me alone."  I buried my head into my pillow again, huffing.  "No, Niall.  Get up.  It's the first day of Year 12 and you're not going to make us late.  Now hurry up before I do a repeat of what happened the other day."  I shot up a little too quickly, my head spinning as I stumbled into the bathroom to leave a laughing Louis behind me.  You see, the other day Louis thought it would be a great idea to poor ice-cold water on my face at 4 O'clock in the morning.  Let's just say I was not impressed and nearly killed the lad.  My life revolves around my five best friends in the entire world.  Harry, Louis, Liam, Danielle, and Eleanor.  Harry's the curly-haired flirt, Louis' the funny one, Liam's the mature "father", Danielle's the "mother" (her and Liam are dating), and Eleanor's like a second Louis (they're also dating).  Harry and I are the only single ones in the group, and we often joke about being gay for each other.  If you're wondering if we actually are, no.  We're not.  We're all heading off into Year 12, which means we're 17-18.  Harry, Liam, and I are all 17 while Eleanor, Danielle, and Louis are all 18.  Hah, Liam's dating an older woman.  Lucky bastard.

Finishing my shower and sliding on some clothes, I jogged down the steps and slid towards the fridge.  The others were already inhaling their breakfast while I simply scrambled up some cereal.  Eh, it'll do.  Oh, did I forget to mention we all lived together?  Yup.  We all live together in a some-what large house.  Liam and Danielle share a room, Eleanor and Louis share a room, I have my own room, and so does Harry.  We're quite content with life right now, and we're honestly not planning on having anything change - hopefully.  "Oi.  Leprechaun.  Anyone home?  C'mon mate, we gotta go."  I awoke from my day-dream to find Harry snapping in front of my face.  Slapping his hand away, I dumped my bowl into the sink to wash later and snatched up my bag.  Huddling together in our normal group, we all began to saunter off down the street in the direction of the high school.  "Hey, Nialler.  Maybe there will be a lucky girl for you this year?"  I heard Liam speak and rolled my eyes, "Hah, that's funny Li.  You know I'm not interested in getting a girlfriend."  Liam sighed, "Come on, Ni.  It's been almost two years since Holly.  You gotta move on, mate."  I shook my head in protest, "No, it's not that.  I'm just waiting for the right lady to come along.  When she does, I'll be ready.  Until then, I've got you and the lads."  Li mumbled something incoherent and casually slung an arm around my shoulders.  This is what I like about my group of friends.  We can kiss on the cheek, hold hands, sling arms around each other's shoulders, and nothing will be awkward between us.  We're just all the best of friends.

When I entered the school at first, I popped open my locker and stuffed the unnecessary necessities inside.  As I slammed the locker door shut, a sudden woosh of air had me spinning around in surprise.  "Dude, watch where you're going.  You almost hit..." The boy in front of me started.  I stared at him, awe-struck.  His black hair was quiffed up, he was wearing a black leather jacket, dark denim jeans, black Supras, and his hazel-brown eyes... "Oi, blondie.  What's your name?"  A melodic voice snapped me out of my daydream and I stared at the boy in front of me in astonishment before finally traveling back to earth, "N-Niall.  Niall Horan."  I gulped as he arched an eyebrow at me.  "Well, you're welcome for saving you from this football."  He grumbled, shoving the ball into my chest as he began to wander away from me.  Scrambling after him, I dropped the football in the process, "W-wait!  What's your name?"  I questioned, walking beside him as he gave me a half-glance, "Zayn Malik."  I frowned slightly at his blunt answer as he shifted around his papers, "What are you looking for?  Ohhh, are you new to the school?  Here, what's your first class; I'll help you."  I squeaked out, thrusting my hands out for the papers.  Zayn gave me another sideways glance before frowning, "You talk quite a lot, don't you babe?  I have math right now, and yes I am new to the school."  My heart fluttered when he called me 'babe' and I'm sure he could hear the butterflies erupting in my stomach, "Y-yeah, I get that a lot... I mean erm... I just, get hyped up and I tend to ramble a lot.  Especially when I'm nervous, but I don't think you need to know that.  Argh, now I'm rambling, but I'm not nervous.  I swear.  Fuck, I mean... ugh, you probably think I'm a total freak now.  I'm not, I swear--"  A hand covered my mouth, informing me to shut up.  I stared wide-eyed up into those big, hazel-brown eyes that were now so close.  His plump, luscious lips were practically begging me to kiss them.  Finally after a few moments, realisation seemed to dong upon him and he stepped away with a slight frown.  "Sorry, Niall.  I think I know where my class is now, and I don't want you to be anymore late than you are now.  You should go."  With that, the gorgeous boy turned and strode away through a door; leaving me staring after him in utter shock.  What the actual fuck?

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