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When someone is bored, they can always act differently. I'd say more annoying, but it depends I guess.

Why is there such thing as being bored?

It happens to all of us! I think?

But when someone is bored do they just think " hey! I have nothing to do right now! OH LOOK"

looks at random person doing something. 

"A person doing something! I KNOW!! Why don't I go up to them and distract them from what they're doing? That's a GREAT idea!"

When people become bored, do they get jealous of people who aren't bored?

Like if someone was sitting with a friend or someone they know and that person is, I don't know, drawing and you can't draw or doesn't like to or just doesn't really want to and your bored. They are just minding their own business while your trying to annoy them, because as I said, you were bored. I think one of the reasons that people annoy other people is because they are so bored you can kind of get entertainment from people telling you to stop annoying them.

Another reason is because I always think of when I'm bored with my friends I would annoy them so they have to suffer with me. Evil, yes, but I've been told by many people.

Always be equal to the person next to you.

Of course I will follow that rule, soooooo~ that's exactly what I do. 

Sure they hate me for them but still. Back to my ramble with being bored.

Even when I'm doing something I'm still bored. I could be watching YouTube or be doing something, but I still become bored.

If I'm standing and I'm bored, I'll start to walk around in a circle and I could do this for fucking hours. I would just walk around with the same speed so I wont get tired easily. I don't do it on purpose, its just something that my mind thinks of and then suddenly BOOM my feet start to move. I would sometimes do this and then get bored even if my body isn't bored so I  would try to pick up stuff and use them or move them somewhere else. Instead of stopping to get the items, I would continue to walk and if I miss what I was trying to get, I would wait till I was near the thing and try again.

Apparently, doing this is a sign that your crazy...idk

What do you do when your bored? I'm only one person that acts different to others.

...I'm bored... 

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