The Golden Locket a Calum Hood fanfiction

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"Going to bathroom" I managed to say over the loud music. Ashton my boyfriend nodded.

Ashton isn't like the other guys I've dated. He's nice and funny and has this adorable laugh that brightens my day. I just hope he doesn't end up like the others.

I grab my purse and make my way through the crowd. When I get in I see 2 girls kissing.

I turn around and head back to the couch area.

It's not that I don't like gays it's just I don't feel comfortable in the same room with to girls making out.

like Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. I think they're gay.

it was easier going to the bathroom than going back. it's like 30 more people came to this party.

finally I get back but Ashton's not there. he probably got bored and went to dance.

I check the dance floor and see ashton having a great time dancing.

With some chick.

Not in control of my anger I storm over and yank the girls hair. when I let go some hair was in my hand.

"what the f*ck?!" she yelled.

"maybe next time you should ask if he's single!"

"oh it's on." she runs toward me but I quickly dodge her and she tackles the snack table.

when she stands up she has loads of stains on her dress.

"what the hell Kim?!"

"what I can't try to keep my boyfriend from some chick?" I ask.

by now everyone was watching us but I didn't mind. I was used to it. me and my boyfriend argue in front of a crowd we breakup and I end up crying.

perfect love isn't it?

"you know I thought you would be the bugger person in this."

"bigger person in what."

"she was obviously alone and wanted to dance so she saw me and wanted to dance." he says flattered. "I'm pretty sure if she knew she would get attacked for dancing she probably never would've done it."

"what makes you think that"

he scratches the back of his neck and says, "she told me."

that just about did it.

I grab my shoes and my purse and walk out the door.

"Kim wait!" he runs after me.

"Nothing you could possibly say will make want to forgive you go ahead say the same thing i hear everytime i get attached to someone. Go ahead. Maybe it'll mean something to me."

He sighs.

"Kim i am so sorry for what i did. I was drunk and i wasnt thinking. I am a guy. Guys do a lot of stupid things. She looked hot so i danced with her and i am so sorry." he makes his way over to me and kisses me.

he moves away.

"wow" i smile. "looks like it didnt mean anything to me.' i escape his embrace and walk off.

"maybe next time you shouldnt drink so much beer." i yell back.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 22, 2014 ⏰

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