No Scrubs TLC

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A/N just so a couple of my comments in this one makes more sense, I used to work in a library but at the moment I'm not working at all.

Stream is established

okay whatever,

The customers

what customers?

Talk to your interests

That's not really possible

I now remember

remember what?

Not mine

what isn't yours?

There is no such thing, and there is no hope.

wow, you're optimistic,

He will not be subjected;

you're not making sense.

We do not want to see

see what?

I do not want the time

okay I won't tell you then.

Does not mean plants


Fool, donkey for yourself

what the heck? Are you calling me a fool, because I think you are the fool here. Also I don't want a donkey.

They speak with wagon

they'd look like idiots then since the wagon can't reply.

this is beautiful

what is?

Try to talk

I can talk just fine.

Does not mean plants


Fool, donkey for yourself

we went over this already.

They speak with wagon

whatever, if they want to look like weirdos they can go right ahead.

this is beautiful

I still don't know what you're talking about.

Try to talk

why don't you try to stop.

But, it is clear - see 'is'


But these toys show a good future.

I don't think you can guess what the future is going to be based on toys.

And i did not know

I still have no clue what you're talking about, but whatever it was that you didn't know I'm not that surprised.

I like strawberry tablets

what the heck? are you trying to say strawberry flavoured vitamins or something? 

I do not know that the father is dead.

still no clue who you're talking about.

Not mine

okay, I don't really care.

There is no such thing, and there is no hope.

still the optimist aren't you, note sarcasm.

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