Recovering??No leave

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1 month later
Erikas POV
Chance left a month ago.And the past month has been hard for both Tessa and June.Tessa doesn't miss him.She is just mad and sad at the same time that she was lied for 2 months.So today Iam going to try to get her mind to recover
Erika walks into Tessas room
Erika:Hey T
Erika:How you doing
Erika:We should go to The Grove to clear our minds
Tessa:Yeah(smiles happily)We have to get June to school first
Erika:Ok..Ill help you her ready
Tessa:Ok..Can you do her hair since you are so good at it
Erika does Junes hair and this is the finishing touch

Can you do her hair since you are so good at itErika:SureErika does Junes hair and this is the finishing touch

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Tessa:Wow..I love it
June:I love it too...(hugs Erika tightly)Thanks Auntie Erika
Erika:Your welcome June bug
They drop June off at school and they head to The Grove and they shop and shop.After the head to pick up June but they get stuck in traffic.
Tessa:Shoot...We are going to be late to pick up Juniper
Erika:I know...Stupid L.A traffic
At Junes school
Junes POV
I wonder where my mama is..She is never late.
Just then Chance walks up to the gate
Chance:Come on June
June:Leave...I dont like you
Chance:Come on June bug
June:Nooooo LEAVE
The teacher then approaches them
Teacher:What is going on
June runs and hides behind her
June:Dont let him take me ..Ms.Molly
Ms.Molly:Isnt this your dad
June:No...he cheated on my mama and lied to us...He is a bad guy(crying)
Ms.Molly:Oh.If she doesn't want to go with you I cant force her
Chance:Her mom told me to pick her up
Ms.Molly let me verify that
Chance:No you know what....Ill leave
He leaves.
Ms.Molly:Juniper why don't you like your dad
June:He is a bad  bad guy.
Ms.Molly he looks pretty young and so does your old are they
Moments later Tessa and Eika arrive
Tessa runs to the gate.
They hug
Tessa:Sorry. Im so late Ms.Molly..We got caught in traffic
Ms.Molly:Oh its ok.......Um Ms.Tessa
Ms:Molly:I just wanted to tell you that Jumiper's dad came and tried to take her..But June refused
Tessa:What(looks confused)
Ms.Molly:Yeah Juniper called him a bad guy.And when I said that I was going to call you to verify everything.He suddenly left
Tessa:Yeah..We've been having some problems
Ms.Molly:Oh ok..If you need help we are here for you
Tessa walks away with June.
In the car.
June:Yeah mama
Tessa:Your dad isnt a bad guy
June:Yeah he is...He cheated on you and lied to both of us...
Tessa:But ye is still your dad
June:(says nothing)
June:ughhh(rolls her eyes)Fine
Tesaa:Dont roll your eyes at me(in a mad way)
Tessa:Juniper Hope
Erika:T calm down
Tessa:(tries to calm down)
Erika:Since she saw everything she has something against Chance
Tessa:(begins to Cry)But she still has to love her dad.Even if I hate to even hear his name.
Erika:Just give ger some time

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