Chapter 3

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Ink p.o.v

I saw a hunter chasing me so I run faster some how he caught up to me he then grabs me by the scruff/neck.

Error p.o.v

I grab the wolf and pin it to the floor. It wimpers in response. It looks like a mix between a wolf and a skeleton. I grabbed my tranquilizer but I realize it doesn't have any bullets. But the reason why I grabbed a tranquilizer instead of a gun. It's rare to find a skeleton and a wolf mix.

Ink p.o.v

When I see the hunter pull out a tranquilizer I starting to whimper louder. "shh it's ok I won't hurt you " The hunter says to me. I whimper a little bit less but i'm still scared.

Error p.o.v

I start petting the wolf's fluffy ear. It stops wimpering and nuzzles into my hand. After a while of petting I pick up the wolf and start walking back to my cabin in the woods.

Ink p.o.v

I nuzzel into the hunters jacket because it becomes colder and windier. The hunter still doesn't know that I can talk. He starts holding me closer makeing me blush. "aww someone is embarrassed" the hunter says
I lick his face now he is blushing I just sniker "oh hush" he says.

*LE TIME SKIP cuz I'm lazy*

Error p.o.v

I walk in my house with the wolf in my arms I put the wolf down and lock the door I walk over to a cabinet and grab a collar.

Ink p.o.v

After we get inside the hunter puts me down and walks over to a cabinet and grabs a collar I slowly back up knowing that he's going to put the collar on me. "it's ok I won't hurt you" he says soon my back hits the wall and he gets closer slowly puting the coller on me I yelp.
"oh stop it I know you can talk" he says "p-please take it of" I respon. "hmm maybe if you be good~" I blush in his response knowing he means sex."I guess you got my drift" he says and I nod. He picks me up and brings me upstairs and into a room I'm guessing it's his bedroom.

Error p.o.v

I walk over to my dresser and pull out a leash. I walk over to him and hook the leash on his collar. "by the way I never got your name i'm Error" I say to him "i'm Ink and please be gentle" he responds "of course hun~"

(cliffhanger XD get wrecked boi anyways see you next time bye)


wolf!Ink x hunter!Error lemon + sinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz