A 180 Degree Turn [BoyxBoy] Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

Mom was a lot scarier than my dad, one of the strongest alphas in history. She loves her garden second to family. There was a thin line in between. One time, a kid plucked a tiny leaf from her wisteria tree and vine collection and mom chased the unfortunate kid with a metal pole. What's she going to do when she finds out her whole garden is destroyed. 

I'm going to die today.




The weekend went by quickly. Dad and Alistair made a bet as to what mom will use as a weapon on me and Keith. Dad said she'll chase us with a metal bat and Alistair said that this thing was too big to settle with a bat and that she'd tackle us to the ground, no weapons used.

Alistair got twenty bucks in the end.

This morning at school, people greeted me left and right. I may hate studying, but I love the attention I'm getting here. More people crowded me as I walked to my first period.

Boring, uneventful hours passed by and it was almost lunch time. "Mr. Shires, come here." Mr. Simon called me.

"Sir?" I lifted my brows. I hope I'm not in trouble. I'm good. Good at hiding my problems.

"Before lunch, if I'm not mistaken, you are in my class. I want you to get my supplies at the office and bring them to class. I will be out for a while. Thank you."

"Of course." Not. With that, he turned to walk away. My lackey will do this for me. Unfortunately, I haven't seen Gabriele since this morning. With hope to see him this lunch break, I rejoined my friends as I enter the cafeteria.

As always, the cafeteria was noisily buzzing with loud laughing jocks, little after hour reunions, plans and the usual gossiping girls who talked about who shagged who and male models. Though, one rumor caught my attention as I made my way to the popular table which was mostly composed of my pack members.

Using my super sensitive hearing, I listened to a particular group a little more to this new gossip.

"I heard there are new students. Freshies, I guess. I also heard they were twins." One girl across the room said.

"It's true. Heard they've skipped a grade. They say that the twins had dual citizenship. Asian and Italian, from what I've heard. A lot say they look like life-sized dolls." A girl beside the first one who spoke with bleached blond hair squealed excitedly.

"Those aren't rumors. They're true. Freddie developed a crush on the female twin and decided to stalk them on the school's computer. You know my brother." Another said with her mouth full.

"Oh, so it's a boy and girl?" A guy's voice asked.

"Yeah. I've seen the boy. A total babe.He may be fourteen, but he's got muscles." A girl giggled. "I sound like a pedo."

I heard a chair scrape backwards indicating another person joined them.

"Guess what?" A guy's gossip mode voice was on. They all silenced to listen to him.

"I'm not sure if it's true or not. But..." The guy trailed off.

"Spill!" Squealed a tall brunette and grabbed the boy's shoulders. "Come on Fredrick!"

"D'Angelo. That's the twins' family name, D'Angelo." Fredrick said a little too loud. "They're Gabriele D'Angelo's cousins." I heard shocked gasps from people around the table.

I decided to ignore them as I munched on my burger and decided to join in our table's conversation when the gossiping continued. "Speaking of Gabriele, I heard he got a make-over. You could actually see his face."

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