I'm slightly surprised that my mom nor dad have tried contacting me to see where I am, but hopefully they didn't even notice I hadn't come home. I'll have to be quiet.

"Bathroom is all yours," Jace comes back, using a towel to dry his hair. He's glorious. He catches me staring and smirks. "Did you not get enough last night?"

I blush and get up. "You're so arrogant."

He chuckles. "I know."

I roll my eyes and walk into the bathroom. I immediately am met with my reflection in the mirror and nearly gasp. The person staring back doesn't even look like me. Her hair is crazy, and her eyes are bright while her skin glows. The slightest tint of redness covers her cheeks and there are small red blotches on her neck.

Memories of Jace's lips against every single part of my body come to mind and him moving in and out of me; our bodies brushing together.

I shake my head and smile. After combing a hand through my hair, I turn on the water and take a quick shower. I make sure I'm clean as can be before stepping out.

Jace is sitting on his bed when I return, elbows on his spread knees as he types on his phone.

"Who are you texting?" I ask, nonchalantly. I don't really care that much, I trust him, but he looks very concentrated.

"Damon," he answers, typing a little longer before throwing his phone back on his bed.

"Oh," I nod, and he takes my towel. "What about?"

"Just some bullshit going on with the circuit," he sighs, seemingly stressed. "Apparently I'm supposed to have two races this upcoming weekend instead of one."

"Well," I shrug and stand on my tippy toes to peck his lips. "I know you'll do great in both of them."

He smiles and connects our mouths. It's a slow kiss, but savory. He holds me to him while our lips gently close around each other, and he breathes out through his nose.

"I should probably take you home, yeah?" He asks against my lips. "Church and everything."

I bite my bottom lip and his eyes zero in on it. "I'd rather stay in bed with you all day."

He groans, squeezing my hips. "I like the sound of that."

I giggle and press my lips to his once more. "But you're right, my parents will probably flip if they figure out I was gone all night."

"Right," he scoffs playfully and pats my butt. "Let's go."

And we do. The ride home is spent with small, mindless chatter with some playfulness here and there. Jace keeps his hand against my thigh the entire time, too. It all feels so perfect, almost too perfect.

"I'll call you later," he tells me once we've parked in my driveway.

"Okay," I smile and reach for the door handle, but he pulls me back, just for our lips to mold together. My eye lids slide shut on their own accord as Jace gives me a kiss that has me wanting more.

"Now go pray to god, baby," he playfully whispers and I glare at him with lots of humor.

After getting out of the car, I walk towards my front door and quietly unlock the slab, being as silent as possible. With precision, I shut the door and lock it before nearly jogging towards the stairs.

"Where were you, young lady?" I freeze and all of the air leaves my lungs. Swallowing nervously, I slowly turn to my mom in the doorway of the kitchen and my father on the couch, reading the morning paper.

Relationship With My Boyfriends Best Friend Where stories live. Discover now