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Please listen to the song Cheated by Boys Like Girls


"Hey Skylar where are you going?" My best friend Peyton asked me while running towards me.

"Oh I'm just going to get some coffee from the Café down the block. Want to join me?" I said.

"Sure. Oh by the way, how are you and Martin are working out? Is he still treating you right?" She said while we're walking.

"We're good... I guess? Its just he seems a bit off lately. I don't know what's wrong with him because he doesn't want to talk about it. I think he's just stressing out because of his exams." Suddenly Peyton gripped my wrist harder than usual making me yelp.

"Hey Pey.... your grip is a bit too hard." I looked at her and she seems stuck at something so I looked to her line of vision and I saw him.

"What the fudge? What is she doing with him and what's with them acting like a couple? Is he cheating on you?" Peyton said in an angry manner.

"I know they're partners in one class. Maybe they're just talking about some school stuff. Don't jump into conclusions, I think there's an explanation, I'll ask him later. Come on, let's just go." I said to her but not totally believing what I'm saying because what I witnessed is nowhere near a laboratory partner treatment.

"Oh come on Skylar. You're so naive and kind! Are you blind? He's cheating on you." She burst out but eventually sighed. "You know, you're like my sister. I just don't want you getting hurt and witnessing that hurts me too. I'm sorry for jumping..." I cut her off by saying "That's fine Peyton, I know you mean well, but don't worry that is nothing. Come on, let's get out of here before you kill him."

"Okay let's go. Just ask him about it later. And if he is cheating I'll chop his balls off and feed it to my dog." She said. "That's barbaric. Haha. But yeah if he is really cheating on me, feel free to do that." I said while shaking my head in amusement thinking this girl is really crazy but I love her.

"Peyton, do you want to go shopping later? I need a dress for my brother's engagement and he said that you'll be joining me." I turned to her but the look on her face turned sad.

"Oh I'm not going, it's your brother's engagement and I'm neither a family member nor a friend of his so I don't think I'll go." She said in a broken tone.
"What are you talking about? You're like my long lost big sister okay? Besides my parents and my brother treats you like our own. Come on it'll be fun. You are going and I'm not taking no for an answer."

"Okay I'll go but if I end up getting bored, I'll go home right away." She said still looking sad. "Okay deal. I love you. I'll see you later!"


As Skylar and I went our separate ways I started crying. How can Scott be engaged to another when he told me I was the one he loves? Well I just need to suck it up and respect his decision. I'll just love him from a distance even though it hurts. As I was walking towards my house I saw Scott's car parked outside. I think he saw me walking and he suddenly went out of his car and walked towards me.

"Peyton, baby we need to talk." Scott said while walking beside me. I can't hold it anymore and looked straight into his eyes and said "I'm going to your engagement party tomorrow. Don't worry Scott I'll be fine, there's nothing left to talk about. Goodbye."

And I started walking to the door and he ran and hugged me. "Baby, please listen to me you're the one I love. I don't love Andrea. This is nothing but an agreement our grandfathers made in the past." He said while crying.

"Scott, I can't do this. Just be happy with her, I don't want to be the other woman." I said still crying. "Please Peyton, wait for me. I'll fix this. Baby promise me you'll wait for me, I'll divorce her after 4 months please. Wait for me baby." He said while hugging me tightly and I can't help but cherish this last moment

"I can't Scott. It'll hurt her if you do that, think about her feelings too. I love you Scott but this is goodbye. I'll see you at your engagement party." I said looking in his eyes.

"I love you Peyton. I'll fix this baby. I don't want to lose you. Don't say goodbye please. This is not our end." I noticed he pulled something out of his pocket. "Baby, wear this promise ring, it means that I'll be back for you and you'll always be mine and I'll be yours." He placed it on my fingers and he pulled out a necklace where a similar ring is hanging from it. "I love you Peyton." "Goodbye Scott. I love you but you belong to someone else, be happy with her." I said while entering my house and waved him goodbye. As soon as the door closed I started crying again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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