Chapter Fifty-Four

Start from the beginning

"He can't keep doing this Riker, he can't keep choosing when he wants me. If he is serious about not being together then this is it. We're not getting back together" 


"No Riker, he's made himself clear" I push myself away from him and curl back underneath the sheets. He sighs and leaves the room again. I cry myself to sleep for the second time tonight. 


I sat up quickly feeling a pain in my lower abdomen. I looked to clock on my bedside table and it was four in the morning. Everyone would be asleep. The pain was increasing and I tried to call out but I was doubling over. 

"Help" My voice was quiet. I stepped out of bed but my legs gave way and I fell on the floor. "Help" 

There was only one person I need. My head's becoming clouded and I feel myself slipping away. 

"Ross" I call louder. Suddenly I hear footsteps and the door opens quickly. 

"What?" He growls turning on the light, as my eyes adjust to the bright source I hear Ross gaps. "Edie what the hell!" 

He leaps forward and kneels down towards me. I follow the direction of his eyes and see my pyjama bottoms covered in blood. I look up to the bed and the white sheets have been stained red. 

"What's going on?" He asks in a panic. "What did you do Edie!" 

"Nothing!" I cry. "I don't know what happened" 

"Mom!!" Ross shouts and whimper in pain again, Ross leans forward and places his hands on my cheeks. "You're going to be okay" 

"Ross it hurts" I sob and he nods. 

"I know, we're going to get you some help" 

Stormie rushed in knotting up her robe cords as she walked into the bedroom. She saw the blood and grabbed my phone off the table, she then left the room while talking to some operator. I couldn't concentrate on anything. I felt my eyes become heavy and more pain shot through me. 


Was the last thing I hear Ross say before I blacked out. 

Ross's POV

Edie's passed out and within minutes an ambulance turned up and wheeled her away. My Mom told me she and my Dad would follow behind us once she'd woken everyone up and told them what's going on. I went in the ambulance with Edie, watching the paramedics prod and poke her with needles, putting an oxygen mask over her beautiful. She was pale and weak, it felt as if I was losing her right in front of me and there was nothing I could do. 

Once we arrived at the ER they wheeled her away and told me I had to wait in the waiting. Which is where I have been sat for the fucking past two hours and no one will tell me anything. I'm not immediate family, but every time I tell them she doesn't have family and I'm all she has they just ignore me and walk away. 

What if I did this to her? 

I don't know how I could have done it, hell I don't even know what's wrong with her! But knowing she's in pain makes my heart ache. One thing I will never wish for that girl is to be unhappy or in pain. Yes I have just caused her to become unhappy, but that's so she can be happy again....with someone else. 

I want Edie to have a happy life, where she is always smiling. Not like now where she smiles for a little while and then frowns for the rest of the week because I've been a dick or we can't agree on something. 

But I will never stop being there for her. Like now. I won't leave this God damn hospital until I know she is as healthy as a horse and she will be okay. I won't let her be alone in a place like this ever again, I've made that mistake once and I'm going to try my hardest to not fuck up again. 

"Someone here for Edith Henry?" A male doctor called out. I roll my eyes because he and everyone knows that I'm here for her, I've spoken to almost every staff member of the floor of this hospital. 

"Here" I try and not let my anger take over.

I need to know she's okay.


Edie's POV

I wake up surrounded by beeping machines once again and for a moment I think I'm back in New York with a metal cage still attached to my right leg. But then I remember the blood. 

"Edie" A old looking man smiles down at me. "How are you feeling?" 

"Dizzy" I touch my forehead with my hand and lean back against the uncomfortably pillows. 

"That would be because you're dehydrated dear, we're just getting some fluids back in you" He smiles, he's very jolly. He is quite fat and has a full head of curly white hair. He reminded me of my Grandpa a little. 

"My intern has just gone out to speak with your boyfriend" 

I nod, not bothering to correct him. I was too exhausted to correct him but it made me much happier to know that Ross was actually here. The doctor picked up his notes and scanned them quickly before nodding to himself. 

"It looks like everything is in order Miss Henry, you and the baby are fine and-"


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