You take a few steps before realising that the sound of Marshtomp's webbed feet waddling behind you has stopped. You turn and see him standing as still as a statue a few metres away from you, staring into the distance at full alert. You turn in the direction of Marshtomp's gaze. It's the sound that you notice first, a distant thumping that gets closer and louder with every second. A large boulder hurtles through the trees towards you, the distant thumping now a thundering stomping. The huge grey Pokemon halts all leg movement and skids past the trees, stopping right in front of your Marshtomp. Battle music starts up as a panel of text appears in front of you.

"A wild Rhyhorn has appeared!"

The large Pokemon charges straight into your Marshtomp, causing it to sustain major damage. Even though this Rhyhorn in a much higher level than any of your Pokemon you still have a chance as it can take a lot of damage from water attacks.

"Marshtomp! Water gun!" you instruct and a burst of water shoots from the Pokemon's mouth and straight at Rhyhorn, who charges through it and back into Marshtomp.

"Water gun!" you repeat and a critical hit is landed on the Rhyhorn. This does not save your Marshtomp as the huge boulder like Pokemon charges once more, knocking down your Pokemon.

"Zigzagoon!" you call in a desperate attempt to defeat the Rhyhorn, who prepares for his next charge. "Use headbutt". The two Pokemon charge at each other and Zigzagoon is reduced to almost no health. Rhyhorn's own health is gradually being chipped at but you know that it won't be enough in the end.

"Again" your Zigzagoon is hit back towards you and faints.

You take a deep breath and pull the last Pokeball from your inventory and send Magikarp into the river.

"Splash" You command and the red Pokemon follows your orders, splashing the Rhyhorn as it lands in the water.

This seems to make the Rhyhorn twice as pissed as before and in his blinding rage he charges straight into the river, not a bright move for a ground and rock Pokemon.

"Tackle!" you instruct and the Magikarp speeds towards the dizzy Rhyhorn, knocking his health down to almost nothing. The Rhyhorn charges once more and hits your final Pokemon, almost obliterating his health.

You throw an empty Pokeball at the Rhyhorn, temporarily containing it.

The Pokeball shakes once, twice, then stops. The battle music fades back to the background noise of rustling leaves and chirping Pokemon.

"Yes!" You exclaim in excitement, picking up the Pokeball that contains your new Rhydon.

You turn to your victorious magikarp to notice him glowing. The glow increases until you can barely look at it as your Pokemon grows and lengthens. Finally the glow recedes to show the blue scales of your new giant gyarados. It is over three times taller than you and is terrifyingly intimidating as it glares down at you.

He looks very out of place in the tiny stream and he keeps hitting his head on the lower branches of the trees so you return him to his Pokeball.

Luckily the rest of your walk to Surgeon's location is without further disturbances from terrifying rock monsters. Surgeon's location marker has fortunately stayed in the same place so you have not lost any progress in finding him.

The trees suddenly part and you come across a large green building. Your eyes flash to the map to confirm that your friend is inside. The towering patterned double doors open eerily as you approach them, no one behind them to have opened them. You step through into a large room that is covered in decorative rugs and paintings. There are staircases on your left and right that lead to a balcony and between the stairs is another set of double doors, slightly smaller than the doors you have just walked through. Above these doors is a sign that says "battle in progress".

You wander cautiously up the wooden stairs and onto the balcony where you can watch the battle.

As promised by the map Surgeon stands to one side of the arena giving instructions to his whirlipede. Whirlipede rolls towards the Pokemon on the other side of the arena and lands a hit. The NPC who Surgeon is fighting is different from the other NPCs you have seen. He has green hair, eyes and clothes, just like everything else in this building, and is taller.

"A boss?" you guess out loud.

Surgeon glances up towards you, surprise crossing his face before his signature smirk returns and he turns back to his battle. The NPC's green, what a surprise, Pokemon shoots vines towards the Whirlipede, causing critical damage and making the bug-poison type Pokemon faint.

Surgeon pulls out another Pokeball and releases Glaceon.

"Glaceon, use Hail" He instructs. A storm of hail forms above the enemy pokemon, what you have now identified as a carnivine. The grass type takes damage but pushes Glaceon back with another vine whip attack. Glaceon withstands it and gets her footing back then launches herself towards Carnivine, chomping down on it with fangs of ice. The hail continues to pelt the grass type, causing more damage.

The NPC gives an order and vines shoot out from everywhere, wrapping all around Glaceon and trapping her. She is unable to do anything for her next move and judging by Surgeon's tense stance she is losing health fast. Her turn passes and as carnivine prepares for another attack the hail strengthens and the grass type falls to the ground.

The vines vanish and Glaceon turns back to her trainer, letting the storm finally ease. The NPC has run out of Pokemon so Surgeon returns his loyal ice-type and walks into the middle to accept his reward.

You meet him at the bottom of the stairs where he shows off his new badge.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't give you this sooner" you say, holding out the XP share item that he had lended to you the last time you had played together. "My mother does not understand the concept of not being able to pause online games" you complain.

He smiles. Not his usual smirk but an actual smile.

"I have encountered those kind of issues myself" he takes the item.

"SurgeonOfDeath..." you start to walk out of the gym, the dark haired player following you.

"(Y/U/N)" he replies, going back to his smirk.

"You have a rather unique username"

"Get to the point" Surgeon sighs.

"I may have killed one of your friends on Tribals" you admit.

"Penguin" Surgeon guesses, coming to a halt.

"Sounds familiar" you grin.

He goes to say something but you find yourself in complete darkness.

You remove your VR gear to find your mother staring disapprovingly down at you, holding the plug of the gear in her hand.

You slowly remove the gear from your head and she snatches it from your hand, taking it out of the room without a word.

You groan and put your head in your hands, groaning at your impatience. 

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