Chapter 2: The Demon Car

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Sam and I got home, Sam headed up to bed and had told me goodnight. I, on the other hand wanted to talk to bee. "Hey, bee? Thanks for, you know? Starting up when I asked you to. Because of you, Sam might actually get the girl he's been in love with." I said grinning softly as I heard the radio static try to find a station to use. "No- problem- sweetheart- you- should- go- to- sleep" bee said to me softly. I smiled once again and kissed the dashboard. "Goodnight bee. See you in the morning." I said as I gently got out of the car and closed the door quietly while walking up to the front door. Stopping to take a second glance at bee before retiring to my bedroom.
Some time in the middle of the night I heard noises. It wasnt just any noise, it was the sound of our cars engine. Not thinking anything of it I went back to my peaceful slumber. That was, until my brother came crashing into my bedroom. "Cede! Cede Cede Cede!" He whispered shouted at me shaking me harshly until I ended up falling out of bed. Ugh what is it? "Oof, ugh, Sam what is it? It's like 2 in the morning." I asked him as he helped me off the floor and grabbed both of my shoulders. "Cede, someone took our car!!!" Sam then shouted at me. What? Someone stole bee?!!! Wait, no no no he wouldn't let someone steal him right? What if I was just imagining that he was talking to me? Holy shit, I think in going crazy! "WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN SOMEONE TOOK OUR CAR?!" I screamed, Sam quickly yelled for dad to call the cops. Ok, im crazy. Cede your car, Wait yes he did! I wasn't imagining it!! So he must've stole himself. Right? No no no
"Cede come on we gotta go get our car back!" Sam yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Dont gotta tell me twice. I was still in my sleep clothes so why should I change?
I hurried and sat down to put my shoes on and I quickly ran out of my bedroom down the stairs just as Sam told dad to call the cops.
"Ok Cede, you take a bike and ill take a bike." Sam said quickly handing me one of our old bikes that was laying in the garage. Sam ended up on moms bike. Why? I have no idea... "Hey! I see it! I see the car! Holy crap im so out of shape right now!" I exclaimed as I almost fell over in exhaustion. Damn, I'm only 100 pounds of kindness, how am I out of breath already? Oh well
"Come on C we gotta catch up to them!" Sam said while trying to get me to go faster. "Sam we need a plan we can't just go after them! What if they have a whole squad in there?! What if they have guns!?" I yelled out my worst fears of what could possibly happen to us tonight. "hey C everything is gonna be ok, alright? We just gotta sneak up on them here! Turn left!" I did as he told me and I ended up running into the concrete slab that was sticking out causing me to be airbourne for a second before landing flat on my back. Holy fuck that hurt so badddd!!!! The minute my back touched the ground i arched my shoulders into the ground and let out a loud scream from the wind being knocked out of me. "ahhh!!!!!" I yelled as much as I could, just to let the world know how much fucking pain I was in. I tried taking breathes but I couldn't so I clawed at the ground harshly gasping for any kind of relief. "Cede!!! Oh my god oh god!! Are you alright?! Hang on im gonna help you!" Sam was freaking out almost as much as me. "S-s-sam c-c-cant *gasps* b-b-reath!!!" I tried to yell through my gasps. Sam reaching under me and lifted me up to where I can get more air. That did the trick. The minute he lifted me up and threw up right onto the ground beside me. eww. "Ok, it's alright. You're ok you're ok. It's alright, I got you I got you." Sam cooed into my ear as I finally got my breathing under control. I hugged him like there was no tomorrow. "Oh thank you sammy thank you." I praised him as I kissed his cheek over and over again. Suddenly I remembered what we were doing there. "*gasps*OUR CAR!!" I screeched as I pulled sam up with me. And took off running in the direction that our car went. As I was running I seen sam take out his phone and dialed 911 and put the phone up to his ear. "Hello?! Hi. Yes! Me and my sisters car is being stolen and were right behind them you need to get out here asap like right now, you need to bring every one the whole squad!" Sam yelled into the phone "no, dont ask question's just get here as fast as you can." He said quickly before hanging up. "Come on C" he said right as we rounded the corner a police car with policemen by it aiming there guns at us. Wait what?

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