Anxiety Take 2

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Anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry, unease, or nervousness; typically about an event with an uncertain outcome

Anxiety is that feeling in your chest

A solid grip constricting your heart

The air being sucked out of your lungs while you gape like a fish

Anxiety is the inability to sleep

Counting down the sheep like seconds in the day 

Thinking if I sleep now I'll get X amount of sleep tonight

Anxiety is stuffing in both ear buds and lowering your eyes to the ground

Hoping that no one will see you as open enough to talk to

Hoping that no one is watching and judging you

Anxiety is tears filling your eyes when an authority figure says your name

Shoulders shrink together and curl forward before turning around to face whatever it is that they have to say

Anxiety is leaning against the wall

Not in the middle

Not in a corner

But about three quarters of the way along the wall so you can be assured no one is looking at you

Anxiety is linked with and often a cause of depression

It takes your will to do things and immobilizes you from panic and stress

Anxiety is too common

Each year over 40 million adults are effected with Anxiety disorders

It manifests in different forms and has a habit of taking over parts of peoples lives

OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder

SAD, social anxiety disorder

PD, panic disorder

It is an affliction that takes over lives

Anxiety is most commonly defined as a feeling of worry, unease, or nervousness; typically about an event with an uncertain outcome

Anxiety is more than it's definition

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