Someone Once Told Me

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Someone Once Told me that school is the time that we are allowed to speak and have our voices be heard
I didn't put much stock into that until recently
We are given the ability to speak and say words and we take advantage of it from the very moment we are born
We use our lungs and come into this world screaming as if there is no tomorrow because each pain we feel is the very first pain
Every hunger we feel is the very first and so we scream
We scream at the top of our lungs to be cared for because we cannot care for ourselves

As we grow we learn new pains
We understand and learn how to cope with them
Some people never really learn how to cope
They throw a fit at the slightest injustice they feel has been done to them
They break down at the slightest bit of opposition
Maybe they even give up
And others learn how to cope a little too well
They push all of their feelings back
They never let out what they actually feel
They display their indifference through anger or stoicism
Maybe they wont ever learn to share
This is the time to speak up and out
To scream from the top of the roof
Scream into the sky
The time to give an opinion
Tell the whole world what you think
Maybe you tell it to someone you trust
A teacher
A friend
Your mother or father
Your brother or a sister
Maybe you tell an entire room
Perhaps you learn how to speak so other people will listen
Either way you are saying words
You are speaking your opinions
What you say is worthwhile
And now is the time you are allowed to say it
So tell anyone who will listen

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