I grab my lighter out of my pocket and pull out my packet of cigarettes.

I pull one out and light it up. You know everyone is like CANCER but I'm here for a good time not a long one.

Sometimes I question if I would actually care if I was gone.

People say things like I have a bad life but I have a perfect body and a reputation. That people care for me.

Yes I get it, i'm hot but my mental state is so low I don't care what I look like.I don't want to be here.

I can't see my future. I can't see past where I am now. I can't see my kids or myself. What job I will have. I can't see myself even as a drop out.

I hate it, I want to see myself past now. I want a reason to live, something to look forward to, something to fight for.

I look over and see the door open.

I cough out the smoke I just inhaled.

Please don't be Luis, please.

A huge relief rolls off my shoulders when it's the guys from earlier.

"Oh thank fuck," I say out loud.

If it was Luis he'd come over and be like 'Nova haven't I told you YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!' Haha comedy.

I inhale my smoke and look up to the sky and breathe out.

I look over and hear the boys say "This is a good spot.". I look over and give them a 'what the fuck' face. first of all, hello my spot. Second of all, I don't have a second thought.

I felt eyes on me that made my skin crawl.I look that towards them.

I wish I didn't because I saw him again.

His face was lit up with the sun shining on it. His Hazel eyes glowing. His jawline was defined,he was taller than the rest of the guys around him. His hair perfectly up without gel.

Oh god, suddenly I forgot how to breathe.

God those tattoos though. Hot as hell with all the piercings.

Fuck me up.

The guys around him are kinda like him. They all have tattoos and piercings.

"Who the hell are you guys?" I ask clearly pissed because they are ruining my good vibes.

I don't mind though that jawline can interrupt my wedding for all I care.

"Sorry sweetheart to ruin the mood." Said some guy in the group.

"Mind if we hang here?" Said another.

"I don't give a fuck as long as you tell me your names," I say I really just wanted to know his.

"I'm Cameron." Say the one who just talked.

"I'm Jack."Said the one who spoke first.

"Sup I'm Kian." Said the one with blond hair.

"I'm Wes." Says the one with pretty eyes.

"I'm Grayson" Finally, he said it with this dark tone and no emotion to his voice.

A loud ring goes off as the doors open.


Then I lay my eyes on the one and only Luis.

He was wearing his uniform and had a pissed look on his face.

I quickly got up and ran. Dropping my damn cigarette in the action.


"NOVA GET BACK HER!" I hear Luis yell with an annoying voice.

I look back and see Luis coming right for me.

I run right into the woods.

I know my way around these woods pretty well.

Since I'm always seeming to be running from him in here.

I know most people don't relate to this but I'm really active and I run a lot, I mean it helps when your fighting people. Though I still love to sleep.

I stop because I just was over the whole running thing.

I sit and wait about five minutes for Luis to show up.

"Oh god, you're fast." He says putting his hands on his knees breathing hard.

"I know I've had a lot of training I thought you did this for a living," I say with a confused look.

"I guess the cops love donuts stereotype is real," I say putting my hands on my hips.

"How are you not out of breath right now?" Luis says breathing hard.

"Well, when your favorite activity is running from cops it's a really good exercise." I try and put a sarcastic sound to it.

"Let's go, missy." He stands up and points to the school.

"Fuck you bitch," I say crossing my arms and walking.

I'm praying right now because I just want to go home.

He grabs onto my arm not tight enough to hurt me but enough to keep me in his grip.


We finally make it back to the school.

Surprisingly the guys are still there talking and looking around.

"You can let me go now, Luis," I say as we walk up to the door.

"Nope you are gonna run Nova lace I know you." He says pulling me closer.

"Okay, that's fucked up for using my middle name," I say looking him up and down.

I knee him in the stomach.

"Fuck Nova!" He yells

"Oh, my god young man who gave you that awful mouth." I put my hand on my heart.

"You know what I think I'm gonna head back to class," I say clapping my hands together with a smile.

"Bye ranger Rick." I wave before opening the door hitting him with it.

B-A-D L-O-V-E ✦ Grayson Dolanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن