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           i walked home with my little sister at my side. she was complaining about how she didn't want me to walk her home and why she didn't understand the reasoning behind dad making me do it. there were a bunch of kids in front of me and they began to get annoying with their bikes on the sidewalk. they pedaled slowly while talking to their friends and i really just wanted to get home for dinner because i was hungry.

           i watched as two boys stopped after one had kicked the others' tire, amused at the fact that i knew it would turn to flailing fists. and it did; one boy hooked the jaw of the shorter and he attempted to throw a punch back but failed, causing himself to end up on his ass. i attempted to restrain from laughing too loudly. the other people were watching, some laughing like me and others rolling their eyes. i thought it was funny if i'm being honest.

           the two fought, and pathetically at that, for about a minute and a half. i shook my head, smiling because it was kind of weak, the punches they were throwing. a white car pulled into a driveway two houses ahead of where the fight was and a man got out of it, walking towards the gathering. he was pretty tall compared to my five foot two inches and he had black hair. he was quite fit in his white form-fitting shirt and looked to be about 29 or 30. he was really appealing to the eyes.

           he walked over to the two middle school boys and easily pulled them apart from each other. the veins in his neck popped out slightly and i bit my lip. 

           "ew! he's like three times your age kayla!" my little sister exclaimed, smacking my arm and rolling her eyes. i pushed her off the sidewalk and she gave out a huff. 

           "who were they?" i ask kaysee as we continue walking, completely ignoring her outburst and kicking a rock down the sidewalk. i look up to meet her eyes and i see her cheeks flush a deep crimson color. it was cute that she had a crush.

           "he's no one. i don't even really know him." she says, refusing to meet my eyes. i decided to not push it. i mean, i know what it was like to have an older sister pry into who her little sister liked.  we finally made it to the front door and i sat in a wicker chair while kaysee walked in, stopping to ask if i was going to be coming in for dinner.

           "yeah, i just need to sit out here for a bit." i say, laying my head on the cushion on the chair. she nods and makes her way into the house, yelling a 'hey dad!' to our dad as she did so. i sat outside on the porch, looking down the street and hoping to get another look at the man who i guess i never noticed lived down the street. i don't know how i ever would've missed that face though, because this man was sexy.

           after about ten minutes of me sitting on the porch, daydreaming and keeping an eye out for the man, i got up and walked into the house. my dad and kaysee were sitting at the table, eating chicken and potatoes. i walked to the cabinet to grab a plate and began piling potatoes onto it.

           "save some for the rest of us!" my dad says, grinning at me. i smiled back to him and made my way to my seat, next to the one that has been empty for almost nine years now. i felt a hole in my heart every time i sat near it but i couldn't bring myself to take the chair out of the kitchen.

           i finished eating and washed my plate and fork, placed it in the drying bin by the sink, then went to my room. i closed the door and turned on my old-school boom box and pressed the play button. the first song on the cd was 'therapy session' by nf. 

           about an hour later, kaysee entered my room and sat on the bed next to me. she said hey and i muttered a 'what's up' back to her. i felt her eyes at the back of my head and i turned to face her, pressing the pause button on the boom box and sitting with my legs crossed at the edge of my bed. i looked up at her from where i sat on the floor and she looked insanely nervous.

          "can i tell you something sis? i need someone to know and i don't know how dad will react to it." i began to worry.

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