Part Three: Blood Moon

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Part Three:

Blood Moon

“And it looked upon men with scorn in its eye.

Its tail was as crooked as a hook.

If an ill-fated person were to inquire its glance,

Woe to the rock who used to have a heart.”

~Ancient Tribal Legend of the Basilisk

        That night, Lycan and Cherubim lay down beside the camp fire with a clawing hunger in their stomachs. They had gone to bed like this every night, so why should it matter now?

“It’s because we lost everyone we had ever loved.” Cherubim thought grimly. “Caryatid is dead, or worse, one of them. And as for Kylix and Seraphim,” He suddenly broke off. Tears welled up in his eyes. He had never cried, not even when his mother had died.

“My son, my son. Oh, never forget that I love you.” He was there, back on that very forsaken day. The day that had changed his sister and him for forever. “Here, take my flute Seraphim, and Cherubim; take your father’s drum. Remember I,” Her words were abruptly cut short as she sucked in air, her last breath.

“Cherubim! Cherubim! Are you okay?” Lycan was shaking him by the shoulders. He came back and realized he had been sitting up and was drenched in sweat. He managed with all his strength to nod.

As Kylix counted his arrows, he contemplated Seraphim’s last words that she had said to him.

“We are all just going to die any ways.”

“Not if I can help it,” Kylix swore under his breath as he fumbled to put his arrows back into the quiver. It was midnight, and exceptionally cold. He wanted the cold-blooded demon to be sluggish.

Kylix slowly progressed toward the cave. His heart was beating so fast that he was certain that the basilisk could hear him. He had reached the mouth of the sodden cave and began making his way in, clinging to the walls like a child to its mother’s arms. As drew nearer and nearer in to the center, the foul aroma grew. It resembled decaying flesh that had been dead for only a few days. Kylix shuddered. But he could tell that she was still alive. He knew.

He had finally reached the center. There before him was Seraphim, her dress was bloodied and torn. Her eyes were squeezed shut in pain. She had kept her eyes closed for four days.

“You will have to eventually, little one. No one can remain in darkness of their own free will forever.” Kylix was in shock. If neither he nor Seraphim had spoken, then the basilisk could. It had not really spoken with words, for its mouth had not moved, but it had spoken! Kylix accidently gasped. The demon’s head whirled around and its serpentine body coiled tighter around Seraphim. She winced in pain.

“So, you have visitors. Why how fun! Twice the screams!” Knowing that his location had been compromised, Kylix quickly loaded an arrow and fired. It bounced harmlessly off of the serpent’s flesh. He fired again, and again, and again, but to no avail. He had but one arrow left in his quiver. All the while, the basilisk was just reclining into Seraphim’s body, as if she were a child’s play thing.

“This is the best you can do? I’ve seen others better at archery, and they were Oni!”  Kylix gritted his teeth. “I am going to kill you now, little boy. I am going to make you look into my eyes, make you gasp as your body turns rigid! If I can’t do that, then I will coil around you and squeeze as you gasp for breath, but in vain. Then you will be wishing for a glimpse into my eyes, but I will show you no mercy. Your body will go limp, except for the girl.”

“You bastard.” Kylix swore as the snake lunged toward him. He jerked his body away like a rag doll just in time. The snake struck the earth behind him with a thud. With this extra time granted Kylix rushed over to Seraphim and held her in his arms. She was unresponsive.

“How sweet, you love her. I should have known. She bore your scent. She is with child you know, yours.” Kylix shook his head.

“No! It’s impossible!”

“You doubt my sense of smell? I am part snake!”  With this remark the basilisk jerked at him. Kylix had just enough time to load his arrow and fire. It was the last one.

The arrow appeared to move in slow motion to Kylix. It slowly entered the gaping mouth of the serpent and stuck in the back of its throat. The basilisk uttered a gasp and fell to the floor with an enormous slam. It slashed about in a dying spasm, and was still.

“Kylix, is it safe? Can I open my eyes? I have been in darkness for so long it feels like the sun. Let me see your face.” she slowly opened her eyes. They met Kylix’s before he leaned in and kissed her.

“Let’s leave. The Tribe will be waiting for us.”

“We should stay here. If Seraphim and Kylix ever return, they will know where we are.” Chief Lycan said. They had been in the clearing for eight days now, and it seemed like they were never leaving. They had to eventually, for the stream was tapped out of fish. Suddenly, they heard a crashing of feet in the brambles. They bolted up right and held out their make shift spears. When Seraphim and Kylix walked out into the light, they gasped in unison and dropped their spears to their feet with a noisy clatter.

“SERAPHIM!” Cherubim’s scream resounded throughout the clearing. The next second they were in each other’s arms. Whatever welcome Kylix had expected, he did not receive it.

“Go.” Chief Lycan’s voice was as hard as stone.

“What?” Kylix asked.

“You have caused enough trouble. You are banished from the Tribe. Now leave my presence.” Seraphim broke away from her brother’s arms. She quickly walked over to Kylix and stood firmly beside him.

“If he leaves, then I leave.”

“Seraphim! This man is a traitor! He left us!” Cherubim’s pleas were relentless. He threw himself at her feet.

“Cherubim, it is her decision. Let go.” Lycan pulled him off of the dirt. Seraphim walked up to her brother.

“Thank you. For everything, remember I will always love you.” and from her hand she produced her small flute from the pocket of her dress and gave it to him. She kissed his forehead and then they strode into the woods, hand in hand.


        Kylix stared down in awe at the wonder of birth. A new member to the tribe was being born. He heard his wife’s cries very distinctly, and then they were joined by a newer voice.

“It’s a boy.” Seraphim said breathlessly.

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