Worth It

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I hold up a box of light purple hair dye. “Are you sure? Looks kind of girly for her”. Mason says. James shrugged, “Ellis said she needs to look as different as she can. What about this”? He suggests, pulling out a light brunette, kind of mousy color of hair. “Good. Come on, let’s go find Ellis”. I say as I put the box back. We start walking down the aisle and Ellis magically appears with Rory. She is now dressed in a gray Nike tank top and a pair of black jean shorts with white sneakers and a beanie covering the top of her head. “Took you long enough”. I remarked.

Rory crossed her arms, “I am a thirteen year old girl and not used to getting dressed in a car. Got it”? I raised my hands in surrender, “Fine, geeze ya sassy little girl”. Rory rolled her eyes and James held up the hair dye. “Guess what your gonna be doing”? Rory groaned, “come on”! Mason shrugged, “you’re gonna have to”. “Gonna have to do nothing”. We all turned and see two big men standing at the end of the aisle, one I recognized from him beating the literal shit out of me.

James handed me the hair dye as the man who I didn’t know stepped forward and took Rory’s arm. “Time to go”. Jame shook his head, “I don’t think so”. The men looked at her and then James, “what did you say”? He takes out his blade and I step back, “I said. Let her the fuck go”. The man shakes Rory and holds her in front of him, “come and get her”. James ran towards the man and grabbed Rory out of his grip, “Get behind Ellis”. James told her, turning back towards the man.

“Next time it ain’t gonna be so easy”. James put his blade away as the man held up his fists. James was the first one to swing and Rory ran over to us. Mason pushed her behind him and she stood between him and Ellis. I watched James block the man’s punch, and hen the man got James across the jaw. Jame stumbled to the side and the man rams himself into James. James falls and I lunge forward, someone grabs my wrist and yanks me back. James gets up an wipes the blood from his lip, “You are a fucking idiot”. James said, balling his hands into fists and throwing them at the man over and over again. The man is soon holding both of his hands and James kicks the guy in the balls.

“Oh…” I said, holding a fist against my mouth. James kicks the man back and the man tackles James. “JAMES”! The roll around on the ground and James finally gets on top of the guy and punches him over and over in the face. The man pushes James up off him and James scrambles up and yells, “yeah. You better run”. He says, a bit out of breath. James takes a deep breath and falls onto his knees. “James”? Rory comes out from behind Mason and walks over to James. She kneels down next to him and James looks up at her and smiles, “It was definitely worth it”.

Rory frowned, “Why”? James laughs, “I’ve always wanted a little sister”. I held my hand to my chest, “I feel so offended”! Mason nods, “yeah. Me too, but we just gotta get outta here. Right now”. Rory helps James up and we start walking towards the check out.

Sorry it took so long I have been working diligently in my other book Lost And Found. So to make up for it I'm posting twice today. Enjoy my lovelies,please comment any questions or concerns you have about the book or myself.

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