Chapter Two - Direct Attack

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Once Mo had made some fried rice for them, they ate in silence because He Tian had homework and he was ignoring Mo whilst he worked quickly through his questions for English and history. Mo Guan Shan couldn't face homework, he was still unsettled by the way He Tian had once again used sex to avoid his concerns. All he wanted was for them to be honest with each other, was it too much to fucking ask?

Mo left Tian to it and walked over to the bed, he nervously switched on the tv with the sound on low and lay back against his pillows. He preferred the right side of the bed, which worked out perfectly, because when he'd moved in He Tian's stuff occupied the left hand side. He was wearing some sweat shorts and a vest, it was still warm at night, not that he had to worry about it, this was Tian's apartment after all he had air conditioning.

Shan had been with He Tian since the last year in middle school. That relentless mother fucker just kept harassing him over and over. He fluctuated between being an asshole, being a supportive friend, being an asshole, being a sexy shit, being a bully....... You can get the idea. He Tian wore him down until one day he started looking at that black haired fiend with new found respect, they became friends. The friends turned into lovers with so much ease, that Mo Guan Shan was still shocked at how quickly he fell in love with He Tian.

Glancing across the room at the black haired boy who was engrossed in his books, he could imagine them together.........well forever. Not that Mo was fucking sentimental or anything! He just liked the dude a lot. That's why he was so pissed off at He Tian for hiding something from him, it put him on edge, it made him worry about their future.

"You're staring......" Tian looked up and tapped his mechanical pencil against his chin.

"Yeah, you look like a geek." Shan flushed at being caught staring.

"I do? What are you going to do when we go to college and University? You'll look like a psychopath, delinquent geek, maybe you will start a new fashion craze." Tian grinned like a crocodile.

Mo Guan Shan always shook his head when he saw He Tian at school, he had such a fake persona in place for the benefit of everyone, it must be exhausting. At least with him, he could be an evil sinister dick and Mo never batted an eye.

"Are you nearly done, I'm sure you'll get full marks as usual? Why study so hard when it's already so easy for you?" He Tian had already told Mo Guan Shan that he maybe wanted to go to a University in Beijing. It worked out perfect because of his mother's failing health, he was happy to stay in Beijing for a technical college to be close to her.

"It's easy because I study idiot." He Tian put his pencil down, closed his books and stood up. He walked toward the bathroom used the facilities, brushed his teeth and sauntered over to bed wearing his usual outfit of black boxers riding low on his slim hips.

"No, it's easy because you're a freak." Mo got under the sheet and switched off the TV.

"You are such a contrary shit." He Tian chuckled and clicked all the lights off, leaving a low reading lamp on, which dimly lit the bed and it's occupants.

"Love you too, you evil fuck." Mo lay on his side facing Tian, who always slept on his back. During the night they migrated towards each other and by morning they were in each other's arms no matter how hot it got.

"Hmm, come here." He Tian cracked an eyelid open and held out his hand.

"No, we have school tomorrow." Mo Guan Shan stubbornly kept his eyes closed and stayed right where he was.

"Come here I can't sleep, unlike someone else I didn't have a bone crunching, scream inducing orgasm earlier." Tian pouted that full lower lip and it made Mo want to suck on it.

When Mo still refused to be moved by He Tian's enticing pout, Tian took matters into his own hands. He manhandled Shan's head down until he was above Tian, on his hands and knees his face was millimetres away from He Tian's huge boxer covered cock.

"Why in birds balls do you always do whatever the fuck you want!" Shan sounded incensed.

Just as those words were out of his mouth Tian shoved his boxers down to his thighs, then he grabbed Shan's shorts pulling them down and off, throwing the shorts as far as he could.

"Hmm for someone who was stating that sexy times were off the books because of school tomorrow, your tasty hole is looking remarkably shiny and soft." He Tian leaned forward and blew against his lovers prepped hole.

"I just keep it like that because you're always shoving your ridiculously huge dick in whenever you feel like it, I'll end up with hemorrhoids!" Mo blushed at such a blatant lie, although keeping his ass prepared was sort of true, he had just hoped they would continue on from earlier.

"Uh huh, get sucking Momo." He Tian stuck out his tongue and stabbed it all the way in. When Mo Guan Shan swore at him, he did it again, he could easily thrust his tongue all the way in. Wriggling the appendage about woke Shan up long enough for him he grab Tian's meaty shaft and point the leaking head towards his lips, he licked it all over catching the wetness at the tip.

"Fucking hell, give me some warning before you just shove it all in there, I can feel your tongue licking! Shit, more." Shan moaned around the head of Tian's cock, flicking his tongue around the rim, he pulled the skin down exposing all the shaft. Tian's dick was epically huge, painfully so, but he had learned to love that pain over the last year or so. He kissed and licked his way down He Tian's shaft and he used the tip of his tongue to probe and stretch the foreskin, pulling it enough to cause a little sting of pain.

"Momo you know how to play dirty." He Tian didn't sound so smug now his voice sounded heated, he knew Tian's dick from top to bottom and he knew how to make his boyfriend moan. He tried to fit it all in his mouth but it was so hard, the girth was troublesome, half the time he ended up with half in his mouth and half in his hand. He put both to good use swallowing that big head to the back of his throat he began a slow and steady bob of his head, squeezing his hand up and down until he could feel He Tian stop to moan and pant against his hole for a while.

"Tian.......wanna come?" Mo Guan Shan stopped for a brief second to utter those words, then he picked up the pace, He Tian's meaty cock was sliding further and his hand began wanking the base quickly.

"You......mmm......wanna.....come first?" Shan could hear the challenge in He Tian's voice, and he shouted out loud when Tian started to tongue fuck him faster, rimming him until he was certain he would come just from his ass. That bastard was relentless! Tian grabbed his dick and pulled on it until Mo groaned.

"No! Don't pull so hard, it hurts you asshole!" Shan groaned as the pain gave way to intense pleasure from having his hole stabbed with an insistent tongue and a big hot hand was jerking him almost harshly, his body didn't know what to feel!

Not to be outdone Mo Guan Shan took He Tian's cock out of his mouth and folded it up towards Tian's navel. Then he licked his way to those potent hairy balls and lavished attention on each one, sucking it into his mouth swirling his tongue all over it.

"Mmm you horny little shit use your mouth more, do it!" Mo stuffed as much balls into his mouth as he could, sucking and licking with everything he had, he also made sure to squeeze his fist up and down that big dick fast, concentrating on keeping his movements near the head.

Both boys were desperately trying to make the other come and the room rang with the sound of sloppy slurping, wet swallowing and muted moaning because their mouths were well and truly occupied.

"Aaah no, no, stop!"


Mo groaned loudly and came all over He Tian's chest, his ass clenched madly around his tongue, it was hard to concentrate on keeping his fist on He Tian's big dick, but he kept his movements going until He Tian cursed and came all over his hand, hot come was dripping down his wrist.

"I win." He Tian's smug panting voice came from between his ass cheeks.

"Tell me why Zhan Zheng Xi was here the other week?" Mo Guan Shan squeezed the last few drops of come from the tip bending down to suck them out, then he licked the sticky shaft clean not wasting a drop.

He Tian grew silent.

Perseverance vs Hostility (19 days fan fiction) He Tian x red headWhere stories live. Discover now