Natsuki sighed. Why did she do that? She guessed it was just because she was super anxiety ridden right now. She hoped she could get it together before Yuri came, but all that time she was worrying she was wasting her time, and Yuri knocked on the door. Shit! I forgot to tell her not to knock! She hoped that her dad wouldn't wake up. She snagged her bag and snuck downstairs. She let out a shaky breath as she realized her dad was passed out completely. She opened the door to see Yuri standing at the door frame.

"Hey Natsu- Holy shit! Have you been drinking?" Yuri immediately recoiled. Natsuki quietly closed the door. "You look like you were just in a fight or something."

"No, I haven't. My dad has. Thanks so much, sorry I didn't get time to get ready." Natsuki rolled her eyes and began to stroll to Yuri's car. Yuri stood for a second, but then trudged back after Natsuki. They both went inside, and Yuri started the car.

"Thanks for swooping Yuri," Natsuki set her bag down at her feet.

"What's swooping?" Yuri looked utterly confused.

"It means picking someone up you dweeb." Natsuki giggled and Yuri blinked, still in confusion.

"Well, you're welcome I guess." Yuri mumbled back.

The rest of the car ride was mostly silence. Natsuki hated awkward silence, but she didn't know what to say at the same time. Whatever, they would be at her house soon anyways.
Yuri pulled into her driveway and took the keys from her car. She shuffled and unlocked the door, opening it up for Natsuki. Natsuki walked in and looked around. She didn't really get to do that last time she was there.

Her house was tidy and smelled strongly of various essential oils. It mostly smelled like burning wood and hints of lavender here and there. The exact smell of Yuri. Natsuki felt herself instantly getting calmer. The tidiness and good smell of her abode instantly put her in a better mood.

"Uh, what do you even wanna do?" Yuri scratched the back of her head. Natsuki shrugged.

"Oh!" Yuri suddenly lit up. "We could watch a movie! I just got the movie IT and I heard it's super good!"

Natsuki shivered. She HATED horror movies. "Yuri, I don't think I could watch it without feeling sick."

"Oh, don't worry Natsuki. It's not that big of a horror movie I've heard. Mostly humor with some suspense here and there." Natsuki felt uncertain, but she really couldn't say no to Yuri's excited face.

"Fine," Natsuki mumbled crossly. "But if I don't like it I'm turning it off."

Yuri smiled, grabbed Natsuki's hand, and dragged her into the living room. She popped the movie in and sat down on the couch next to Natsuki. She grabbed a blanket and drew it over both of them.

"Wow, you're really excited about this aren't you?" Natsuki laughed.

"Shhh, it's just getting started!" Yuri smiled and put her finger over Natsuki's lips. Her lips are so soft... ugh shut up thoughts!

Natsuki was actually really surprised. This movie was GOOD. They were about halfway through, and Natsuki had actually really enjoyed it. She felt really really tired though. The fact that she was just beat and without food was probably why, but she pushed it away from her thoughts.

Natsuki felt the back of her neck tingle.

Yuri was touching her hair.

She wasn't sure that Yuri had even noticed, she was just distractingly running her fingers through Natsuki's hair. Natsuki felt her fingernails lightly scratch her scalp as she brushed out her hair. Normally, Natsuki would've swatted her hand away and yelled, but Natsuki couldn't. It actually felt really really nice. Natsuki felt the hairs on her neck rise.

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