Chapter 4: Come with me

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Talk about the Queen's stillborn died down after a time, instead, what began loitering itself amongst the card tables were rumors about the esteemed Prince Annaba visiting Versailles within the coming weeks. Meanwhile, Philippe's journey to the front had been in waiting for a set date, but if he was honest with himself, he had put aside personal matters to see the Prince as well. After all, he had never been with a man of color.
"How do I look?", Philippe asked Chevalier the day Annaba was due to arrive. "I dressed you myself", the Chevalier responded proudly," how do you think I think you look?"
Spun around, Philippe had decided he would ask his love the one question that had been burning at his mind since the beginning; one of which that held both equal hope and disappointment over his head depending on what the answer would be. The Chevalier was like a coin, you could bet all your money, pray with all your soul, and have the highest expectations for one side, then completely get another.
"You should come with me to the front," Philippe blurted out quickly. Chevalier looked confused, " Are you inviting me to a war?", he asked. Philippe felt the air shift in weight, holding his breath slightly as though it would help to better his chances of receiving a yes. "How romantic", Chevalier scoffed, the coin was in midair now, spinning, gaining speed from the thrust of an imaginary thumb,"Are you mad?"
"Not just any war", Philippe followed, trying his best to keep the coin in the midair," My war."
Chevalier's eyes flickered from the afternoon light at his last words," Your brother", he put his hand gently onto Philippe's cheek," says one thing and does another. I would not hold your breath."
The coin had hit the ground, and now it was in these final strands of hope he would receive Gods answer; twirling onto itself before at last, landing on the side of an answer," But if you ever do go, I shall remain here, naturally. To ensure that your place at court remains assured."
Disappointment; completely, utterly. Most importantly, the greatest thing he felt at this moment was heartbreak.
"Is that so?", Philippe felt the coldness he knew all to well beginning to sprout from his fingertips, turning his sadness into anger," How generous of you to ensure my place," he pushed Chevalier aside, then stomped out of the room.
The time had come, the Prince had arrived. Taking his place next to Louis, Philippe waited for his arrival, although despite his interest he was still feeling hurt by the events with the Chevalier.
"Prince Annaba of Assinie, you are welcome at my court", Louis' booming voice shook Philippe from his thoughts as he realized he had been looking at the floor when the Prince had walked in. However, he was not disappointed in what he saw: tall, built, the color of mahogany, Annaba was a sight to behold. With his chiseled cheekbones and robes of gold adjourned with wrists and finger-fulls of jewelry, one might assume he was a walking God. Although, within an instant Philippe new he would never be able to seduce him; the Prince watched the Queen intently as Louis spoke, eyeing her hungrily, it's amazing Louis did not stop him.
Not only that, but just by the way Annaba held himself with the proud, distinctive, high shouldered stance that he had, it was easy to tell that this was a man who had fucked a lot of women, and even more threatening, he was not in the least bit ashamed of hiding it.
"Versailles is more beautiful than I can imagine", he spoke, although clearly not truthfully. Philippe held back a small smirk,' For once, someone has walked in here and has not fallen victim to the materialistic flattery, instead they see the real Versailles; a deteriorating, corrupt, endless maze of violence, fraud, and treachery', Philippe thought to himself,' If this Prince is smart, he'll leave quicker than he planned.'
"May I present to you my brother, Philippe, the Duke of Orlean," Louis said.
Turning to him, Philippe flashed a grin to the Prince, who returned a small bow.
No longer interested in the present, Philippe excused himself, and as thought in an instant, it was evening. He found himself by a fire in his quarters, wine in hand, an unknown mouth around his loins, and his mind completely consumed by none other than Chevalier.

[Written April 7th, 2018]
{Reviewed & Revised}

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