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the interviewer sat down across from tyler. he was sent to investigate the case of joshua dun and the supposed "tyler joseph".

"can you tell me why you were sent to park vista?"

"yes, the most i can say is that i'm an undercover cop for the florida police department for operation d minus. that basically means i was sent to investigate drugs going around and being dealt to kids on school grounds."

"can you tell me your real name?"

"no, that's classified."

"okay. can you tell me your response to when josh asked you to the prom."

"i definitely said no. i didn't say i'd think about it. i said it was too expensive and i didn't feel comfortable with all of his friends since i was just a transfer."

"okay. what do you think was the worst part of the school?"

"the cafeteria. imagine hundreds of teenagers yelling and running full speed. also, the lack of deodorant. let's just say- i would drink at the end of the day."

the interviewer chuckled.

tyler then added, "seriously these kids need to learn there are consequences in life. i am doing my job. i am doing it right. i am making life safer one school at a time."

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