"Ah! Darling!", MXYZPLX said. "I was just about to end the lover boys."

I knew I had to act fast. I wouldn't be able to save either of them. I then got an idea in that split second.

"I'll marry you.", I shouted.

MXYZPLX looked at me happily, as Barry and Monel looked shocked.

"No!", Monel yelled trying to break free of the chains.

"Kara! Don't.", Barry yelled.

"Goodbye now.", MXYZPLX said. He snapped his fingers and both Barry and Monel disappeared. "Now. Where were we? Ah yes. Time to be married!"

"Wait!", I shouted. I thought over my plan before speaking. "I want to be married on the soil of my people. I want to be married at noon at the Fortress of Solitude. I will wear my mothers dress."

"Great. See you then my love."

MXYZPLX disappeared. I flew back to my apartment, where Barry and Monel were waiting.

"Thank Rao you are ok.", Monel said noticing me.

"You can't marry him.", Barry said.

"I have to.", I said. I know I should let them in on my plan, but I was afraid MXYZPLX was listening. So, I had to lie and break a few hearts. I am so sorry Barry. "It's the only way. This way you both will be protected."

"You should just kill him.", Monel mumbled.

"Please go Monel. I need to talk to Barry."

Monel simple left without another word. I then looked at Barry.

"Kara.", Barry began. "Please don't do this."

"But MXYZPLX is right.", I said pretending. "I need someone who can do so many things for me. Besides, we never had a chance. With us both being heroes, it was bond to die off anyway."

"What are you saying?" Barry wiped a tear off his check. "You think we should break up?"

"I'm not thinking it. I'm saying it." I walked over to my door and opened it for Barry. "Goodbye Barry."

"B-bye Kara."

Barry then super speeded out of my apartment. I felt like crying, but I had to hold it together incase MXYZPLX was listening. I just stared at a wall for thirty minutes before deciding to risk it and check on Barry. I got changed into some regular clothes and flew to Central city. I didn't see anyone at Star Labs, so I used the satellite to find Barry. He was at a local bar? Oh. Poor Barry. He rarely goes to bars. I super speeded to the bar and sat down at a back table. I ordered a beer so I could look normal. I adjusted my glasses as I saw Barry sitting in a seat closer to the front. He was checking his watch and had two glasses of beer at his table. He then stood up and hugged Caitlin? What was she doing here? I used my super hearing to listen in.

"Hey Caitlin.", Barry said.

"Hey Barry.", Caitlin said. "So this is where Shana and Robert hung out."


"Are you ok Barry? You didn't sound so good on the phone."

"Kara broke up with me."

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry. I had no idea."

"Neither did I." Barry sighed and then took a drink. "Can we talk about something else?"

"How about we do something else? I'm tired of Cisco saying I don't have a life."

Caitlin then started drinking her drink really fast.

A SuperFlash Fanfiction Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora