john turned and looked at them. "we're not dating," he laughed softly. "why do you guys just keep assuming that?"

"that!" molly said. "what ever the hell just happened, you laying in sherlock's lap and him feeding you. you to even bloody kissed the other day!"

"we're just friends, molly, calm your tits." john said and took another bite.

molly sighed, "whatever floats your boat." she got up, picking her bag up as well. "i'm leaving, irene?"

"right behind you." irene said and got up. "i'm keeping the fork." she said as she ate her chicken.

molly grabbed irene's bag too, then they both left.

john sighed and reached for the remote, turning the telly on as he laid back and ate his dinner. he thought about why everyone saw him and sherlock as a couple. they spent every minute together, slept in the same bed, shared clothes, and they did kiss the other day, but they always do that. it wasn't a big deal. molly and irene were just overreacting. as john sat on the sofa, he really did think anout everyone shipping him and sherlock. he shrugged off the thought then turned the telly off, getting up from the sofa and throwing away his empty take away. he turned off the lights then went into the bathroom, brushing his teeth before walking into sherlock's room. he was sitting on the bed with his face glued to the laptop, only glancing up at the blond quickly. john went to sherlock's dresser and opened up the middle drawer.

"stop taking my clothes." he said as he dug out some of his shorts and jumpers.

"well your always down here so i thought i'd put some of your clothes in a drawer." sherlock said and looked over at the blond.

"oh." john said softly. "thanks." he said and took out a pair of shorts, standing up. he changed out of the clothes he was in and pulled on the shorts. he balled up his clothes then tossed them into sherlock's laundry's basket. he climbed into bed and laid next to sherlock on his stomach. he hugged the pillow, sighing into it and closing his eyes.

sherlock tore his eyes away from his computer screen and looked down at john. he was absolutely perfect in his eyes. he ran a hand through john's soft, sandy hair and his eyes opened, revealing his ocean eyes.

"what?" john asked softly, stretching out.

sherlock set his laptop on the ground then laid down in his spot, facing john. "nothing," he shrugged.

john laughed a bit, smiling. "i know it's something. it's always something with you."

sherlock smiled timidly at john, scooting closer to him. "it is something," he said as his lips curled into a smirk.

john's smile went away as he watched sherlock lean in closer to him until their lips connected softly. he smiled against the kiss as it lasted a little longer then the normal peck on the lips. john pulled away and giggled. "what was that for?"

sherlock smiled, "this." he said and kissed john deeper than before, proping himself on his elbow.

john becamed flushed, but kissed back, cupping sherlock's face and kissed back. it lasted way longer and they pulled apart when they couldn't breathe and sherlock strattled john, getting between his legs. john let him. he liked the feeling of sherlock between his legs, slightly rubbing against him. he felt a cold finger slip into the waist band of his shorts and he looked up at his friend.

"can i?" sherlock asked softly, tugging on the waist band.

john blinked up at him and nodded, grabbing at the hem of sherlock's shirt. once john's shorts were removed, john lifted sherlock's shirt over his head, tossing it on the floor then a kiss started again. sherlock rolled his hips slightly, hearing john moan softly against the kiss. he smirked and did it again, but harder this time and john moaned against the kiss, causing him to pull apart.

"fuck me," the blond begged. "please fuck me." he panted.

sherlock grinned and leaned down, kissing the boy's neck as he tugged down his boxers, putting them to the side. john's hands wondered to the waist band of sherlock's pajama bottoms, tucking his fingers into his boxers as well, then pulled them down, letting sherlock get them off the rest of the way.

sherlock settled between john's legs, pushing just the tip in, stopping once john whined softly. "you alright?" he asked softly.

john nodded, "yeah."

sherlock nodded and continued to push in slowly, stopping once he was half way in, letting john get used to the feeling, then he pushed in all the way, moaning slightly at the way john felt. he looked down at john and kissed him as he pulled out slowly, then pushing back in, hearing the boy moan softly.

john never thought about them getting this far. he never thought about him ans sherlock having sex. he did one time, but that's because greg asked if him and sherlock would ever do it. since then he never thought about it until tonight when sherlock kissed him. he was in bed with his best friend who he ignored his feelings for, but now, sherlock was above him, a thin layer of sweat forming as the heat in the build up and the heat of the moment starting to build up too. john was getting used to the feeling. the pain was going away and now it was all pleasure. it was all a pleasure he had never felt before and he discovered a new sound he could make, and so did john.

"sherlock!" john moaned sensually.

sherloxk growled softly and burried his face in the crook of john's neck. "god, baby. don't say my name like that."

john smirked. "w-why not?" he breathed.

sherlock took his face out of the boy's neck and looked down at him. "makes me want you more." he said and gave his hips a slight roll, making john gasp. sherlock grinned, "like that?" he hummed and did it again as he kept his thrusts.

john nodded, tilting his head back, exposing that sweet neck. he shifted something and there was a huge second of amazing pleasure. "SHERLOCK!" john moaned loudly, arching his back.

sherlock smirked and chuckled, "found it." he said and angled his hips a bit, finding the boy's sweet spot and hitting it repeatitly, driving both of them up the wall.

john held onto sherlock tightly, clawing his back some as sherloxk wrapped a hand around his cock, jerking him off as he fucked him, driving john to his climax. there was ths third most beautiful sound from john and with that, sherlock gave one last hard thrust and came into the condom.

sherlock panted and left soft kisses on john's chest as he pulled out. he sat on the edge of the bed and took the condom off, tying it then going to the bathroom and throwing it away. he grabbed a cloth and wetted it a bit, taking it out to john. he sat next to the boy and cleaned his stomach off. sherlock just tossed the cloth on the floor and laid next to the boy. both of them were sweaty, panting messes.

"so," john sighed, turning to sherlock. "are we boyfriend's now?"

sherlock furrowed his brows. "i thought we already were."

"what? no!" john exclaimed. "you know that i deny us dating all the time."

"yeah, cause i thought you didn't want it to be out."

john chuckled. "god, we're so stupid."

sherlock hummed in agreement, kissing john's cheek. "you're the stupid one."

john scoffed and shoved sherlock, causing him to fall off the bed. john sat up, laughing. "i didn't mean to do that."

sherlock chuckled and sat up, grabbing john's ankle and pulling him down too.

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