Start from the beginning

I couldn't just believe this was happening. Like wtf? I couldn't take so much hotness all at once.

"Let's get the party mood on now! Please?" He said. I didn't even know his name.

"What was it?" I had to ask Joe.

I again went up to him


"Yes, his name right?" He asked as if he was reading my mind all this while.

"Yes, how do you know? Yeah what's his name?" I asked.

"I knew. He is Martin"

"Introduce right now" I said, ordered actually.

"As you say, let me first celebrate the moment now? They're waiting for the cake to be cut!"

Hell yeah..

"Yes, after that you are going to introduce okay?"

"Sure thing".

The party starts, but I can't stop myself looking at him, he's so adorable.

~the celebration was over~

"Joe, before you take Greene out, introduce him"

"I'll do it right now, come along" he said.

"Do I look good now?"
"Or should I change?" I asked him.

He just laughs.

"Tell me?"

"You look good. Don't worry about that!" He said.

"You sure right?"


"Come now"


"Where is he?"

"I don't know".

"You must had an eye on him all this while, right?" He winks.

"Shut up, he's hot i do admit, not that I keep staring at him all the while".

"Okay search now?"

"He's there" I got him near the kitchen, chilling with Ryan and Dan.

We walked up to him.

"Hey, Martin!"
"She's my sister, Rachel"

"Hey, I'm Martin Smith".

"I'm Rachel, Rachel Ryder!".

"Should I call you Rachel or Rachel Ryder?"

"Rachel is fine!".

"Listen, Greene and myself are leaving in another 5 mins, remember right?" Joe interrupted.

"Yes yes, you'll can leave anytime".

He hugged and whispered "of course you've got your guy now"

I pulled back and hit him on his shoulder.

"Bye bye" Joe waved.

"Bye Joe, have fun".

"Yes. Cya".

"Hey, let's get drunk?" Martin asked.

"Umm, sure but not too much!".

"Of course"

~ we promised ourselves not to drink much, but ended up drinking 4 fucking bottles ~

"Hey listen?". He said.


"Pass me another bottle?" He said.

"Ryan, give me another bottle please!"

There was no reply and then I realized that everyone had left and only we were home.
I felt that he had drunk too much now.

He actually had three and I had one bottle, my mind was a little stable and in my control.
But he was totally out of his mind.

We wanted to know each other better, every time I stare at him, he catches me and just laughs. He finally came up to me and

"You find me hot. Don't you?". He said and he smirked.

He was high too.
It was all the alcohol making him behave like this.

"You are hot! But i-"

"Shhhh" he said and placed his  index finger on my lips "just accept the fact that, you find me hot"

Damn! That was being a badass.

"I don't". I lied.

I had to.

"You do"
"Come here" he said and pulled me towards the couch.

"Listen, it's totally fine to find your future boyfriend hot!".

Huh? Wtf?

"What do you mean?" I was shocked by that, is he high on alcohol or is he tryna flirt or is he actually meaning it?

"I mean it my girl".


Oh god should I be happy or sad!
He's so hot. But I don't know anything about him.

"Hmm, so let's talk about our Friday date?"

"Oh yes, that's the main reason, that I'm here, to meet you" he said.

I'm a pro at changing topics.

"Yes, so what you wearing?"
"Will you pick me?"
"What's the plan?"
I asked him.

He told me everything.

"Shall I go home?" He asked.

No no no. I didn't want him to. Never.

"It's up to you. I don't have any problem". Why did I say that?

"You sure?"

"Yes" I said. But I was worried inside.

"You know what!"

"Tell me!"

"You are really really beautiful! I was kind of stalking you on Facebook since a year!"

"A year?" Whaaaaat the hell?
"Why didn't you request me?"

"I was scared!" He said.

"What would I do?"

This hot hoe actually likes me and stalks me!
Wow, this is unbelievable!

I'm so damn lucky and happy.
Like wow.
This feeling is so wow.

I wanted to tell everything to Greene!

"I don't know, well, I'll text you from tomorrow?". He said


"You can always!"



I know, this was the most late update in your life. I'm so sorry. But I have updated now.

I'll promise, I'll be regular from now.

I hope you are liking the story.

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Much love ❤❤

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